Your Baby Understands The Meaning Of NO

Your baby understands the meaning of NO

Your baby, despite looking very small, is able to understand the meaning of no. Especially when we are the ones who teach. Before a child is one year old, he can understand many things. Even a newborn is able to distinguish the mother tongue and its main sounds, including the sound of NO.

Knowing that our little one can understand the meaning of this word allows us to use it properly. This knowledge serves as a warning to use the word NO prudently and only when absolutely necessary. In this sense, even when we are not sure whether the baby understands or not, it is important to know when to establish the prohibitions.

On the other hand, without even asking ourselves about the effect that NO might be having on our children, we are used to setting limits on things. For this reason, the child adapts to this sound and begins to relate it to something that is denied for some reason.

The usefulness of this information is a parent’s decision. But this can be a subject for reflection if by chance we feel we are abusing the term.  According to some studies, it is possible to guarantee that at fifteen months, most babies understand the meaning of NO. Some babies, approximately 50%, are able to understand this meaning by eight months of age.

However, even though studies do not claim that a newborn understands denial, we know that he is cognitively capable of relating most of the sounds that make up the mother’s speech. That said, we can begin to clearly incorporate many of the terms we want to teach the baby, including NO.

How to teach the meaning of NO?

The main use that this word should have in the education of children is to prevent the baby from getting involved in risky situations. For example, we are used to telling little ones not to put their hands in their mouths or not to pull their hair. But, in general, we don’t give explanations or complement with some reaction.

meaning of NO

In order for the meaning of this word to be understood more accurately, it is advisable to say it firmly. Speak directly to the baby and clearly enough  so that he can distinguish the sound. It is important not to use NO indiscriminately. We should only use it when we want to prevent something bad from happening.

It is possible to produce a better effect if we look directly at the baby. We should use short sentences and avoid changing our tone of voice. The combination of the word with an action that indicates what we ban also provides a better understanding. As long as this action is a simple and delicate movement.

Is it important for the baby to understand the meaning of NO?

Some experts say we should avoid saying NO to children. Partly because it’s a repressive word and capable of causing frustration. However, healthy prohibitions are critical to setting boundaries, educating children and caring for them. Therefore, if used with prudence, it is always convenient to say NO at the right time.

In the same way, getting the little one to understand the meaning of that word before twelve months can be a great advantage. Because, around that age, the baby will start to walk and become a little more independent. In this case, the NO is required both to ensure the safety of the child and the adults who are nearby.

meaning of NO

Another convenient factor is that the use of this word will already be established in the family nucleus. That way it will have the same meaning for everyone. Thus, family education will be based on the same foundations for all members. This fact is intended for the prohibition to take on some meaning.

More than saying no to everything, it is recommended to establish rules based on NO. Such as, for example, indicating that the outlets should not be tampered with, nor biting or dirtying the walls. In addition to other general rules of coexistence. We remind you that it is always better to educate than punish children and that, in any case, the reward method must be used first.

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