You Don’t Have To Beat To Teach, Nor Your Child To Be Beaten To Learn

Catching to learn is an old technique used by some teachers to teach.   At that time, it was believed that students should strive to learn (a dogma that luckily has come down to our days), but they believed that the teachings “entered” better when they were applied smacks, pinches, palms, insults, screams and many other punishments. A few years ago, school and punishment went hand in hand.

Today everything has changed. Educational standards are totally against any attack on the physical, emotional and psychological integrity of students.  Teachers no longer put children on their knees on bottle caps, pebbles or corn kernels. There is no longer the habit of pulling a teenager’s ears, no matter how rebellious it may be. However, homeschooling does not always follow the rules applied in the classroom.

Your child doesn’t need to be beaten to learn

A child needs to feel relaxed, with little pressure to learn well, that is, learning that becomes knowledge and lasts a lifetime.

In your learning, you must count on the support not only of your teachers, but also of the rest of the family. At home, when it’s time to do your homework, father and mother should help you.

The child who is at peace and has a peaceful environment in which to do his chores, free from lectures, reprimands, can find the time, space, and desire to study.


We must encourage the child, awaken their curious and investigative side:  we must make them see that only by learning the subjects will they increase their intellect and achieve cognitive development, which will serve them to reach absolute limits in their future professional life.

It is essential to raise his self-esteem and reward his merits, even if these are always below what his parents expect of him.

It is essential that children, from an early age, learn what it means to grow up: being responsible for tasks that involve time and effort, knowing and appreciating the value of the material and immaterial wealth they enjoy, learning to do different tasks according to their age and commit to the same, his family and the society in which he lives.

A child should be instilled with the positive and negative points of non-conformity and selfishness. The disadvantages of procrastination should be explained, such as expressing affection and being nice to those around you, your friends and other people. But they must also  be taught how to defend themselves from insults, from those who want to hurt you and hurt your self-love, even if these offenses come from their dearest ones. Because they don’t need to be beaten to learn and that he needs to know.

Demonstrate love for the things they love

You don’t have to knock to teach

Educating with love is providing knowledge of any kind through affection. It means being aware of the feelings and emotions of the person who matters most to you in the world.

Don’t be mindful of how much time you spend with him or her, counting the minutes it takes for your child to learn. What difference does it make if it’s two or three hours? What should matter here is that the girl or boy feels motivated and comfortable with their education system. And learn what you want to teach them : math, leaving the computer behind and improving the handwriting by handwriting, correcting your spelling mistakes, expressing yourself better, sitting down at the table…, finally.

So put all your efforts into your education and respect your learning as you respect yourself. Don’t offend, yell, or hit when your patience runs out, because there’s no reason for that, for your fuse to be too short.

Better teach him to think: to want to know why all things are, come to conclusions on his own, distance himself from stereotypes, learn from his mistakes as the best lessons he can have, and make decisions based on your own observations.

Mother, educate the child emotionally, so that he/she is healthy and happy, that he/she is not afraid to venture out, without always being afraid of what to “do”, because he worries about whether you will approve or not. Be the best teacher for him or her. Teach your child not to be afraid of you.

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