Year Repeat: How Does It Affect Children?

Repeating a year is a situation that children and teenagers don’t like. In fact, having to take the same subjects again is often seen as a negative. However, this can have some advantages.
Year repeat: how does it affect children?

Was it suggested that your child repeat a year? Repeating a year often results in a blemish on a student’s record  that will haunt him for the rest of his life. The decision to take the school year again must be made by the teachers together with the parents. However, since many parents are afraid of this measure, you must analyze several factors, such as how it will affect the child and what are its advantages.

Negative effects of repeating a year

Repeating a year can have negative effects on self-esteem and future employment opportunities. At the end of the year, the child is separated from those who until then were his/her friends. This means having new colleagues with whom it can be difficult to form a friendship, as she will have the feeling that she is worse off than they are and that she is left behind.

In the academic aspect, there will not always be improvements. In fact, it has been proven that written comprehension can get worse than before.

repeat of year

Advantages of repeating the school year

If your child needs to repeat a year, it is because he has not acquired the necessary knowledge. This knowledge is the basis for learning the teachings for the coming year. Without him, it  will be very difficult to understand the next year and he will feel lost.  Therefore, the way to reinforce these contents is repetition.

Letting a child over 8 years old pass the year without being prepared affects the academic part, since, by not following the subjects at the same level as their peers, this can make them feel displaced. But it is also worth noting that, in addition, the child will give up.  

However, the repetition year  allows us to analyze why the student did not absorb the teachings. We must seek the help needed to solve both academic problems and other types of problems. If necessary, we must seek expert help. On the other hand, if the child needs to repeat a year due to illness or emotional trauma, this can be beneficial for him.

When is it not convenient to repeat a year?

The advantages and consequences of repeating a year are not always the same, as they depend on the child’s age. Thus, when the child is younger, the negative repercussions are greater. Therefore, retaking the same grade should be the last option for young children.

It is noteworthy that, if possible, she should have the opportunity to catch up on the materials during the vacation period. If the problem persists into the next year, it could be more than just an academic problem.

repeat of year

What to do if my child repeats a year?

It is important to keep in mind that if you agreed with the teachers and your child will repeat grades, the  learning difficulties will remain present. They don’t go away on their own, as does lack of attention. Therefore, it is vital that you take certain steps to improve the situation and avoid going through it again.

You need to talk to your child’s teacher about reinforcements and other services. Also, research the legislation regarding school failure. It is important to have insight and to know what are the problems that have caused the child to be unable to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Involve the child in the decision and never blame him for what happened or make him look like a failure. However, if she is already in her teens and the problem is discipline, she should be informed. Ask her to take on her responsibilities and help her see how it will affect her future. Also, look for different ways to work on  motivation  for studying.

Find out if there are factors affecting your academic performance, such as problems at home or peer pressure at school, as well as an illness or moving house, a parent’s divorce, or the death of a parent. Work with your child to overcome the situation and prevent it from affecting the new school year.

In conclusion, repeating a year may have certain advantages for some children. However,  before making such an important decision, several factors must be analyzed.  In addition, it is necessary to resort to a specialist in this area, such as a psychopedagogist, for example, in addition to seeing this option as a last resort.

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