Why Does My Child Always Get Hurt When Playing Sports?

If your child plays sports and you wonder why he always gets hurt, we’ll give you some answers. Consider them and correct as necessary to improve your child’s well-being when exercising.
Why does my child always get hurt when playing sports?

Playing and playing sports is very important for children’s development. However, if you’ve been wondering, “why does my child always get hurt when playing sports”, in this article, we’ll give you some guidelines.

The reasons why your child may be constantly injured may vary depending on a few factors specific to each child.

Reasons why injuries occur

Below, we’ve listed the triggers that can cause your child to be injured when participating in a sports activity.

1.- Excessive physical effort

As fathers and mothers, one of the things we must understand well is that children are totally different from us. This is true for physical, mental, physiological, as well as every other aspect.

Often, sporty children are very demanding for their age. Your muscles and bones may not be strong enough to withstand this physical and mental stress, which can lead to different types of injuries.

2.- Between 5 and 11 years of age: fragile musculature

At this stage of their lives, children have more fragile musculature, with good flexibility and a low ability to concentrate. It is appropriate for children to start playing sports, but, above all, play should prevail. On the other hand, it is not wise to design exercise routines that demand too much from the child.

They should never be pressured to participate in either activity. That way, you need to find it fun to participate. If the child is bored, he will have less concentration and disposition, and this increases the risk of getting hurt.

play sports

3.- Between 11 and 15 years old: understand that the important thing is not to win

This is the age at which puberty occurs and there is a sudden growth spurt. During this period, aerobic capacity increases considerably, as does the volume of oxygen administered by young people. Also, they gain endurance and muscle strength.

With respect to flexibility, it is not yet clear whether there is a loss during this phase of rapid growth or if it does not. Everything will depend on each individual’s particular case.

This is the moment when one should start practicing competitive activities, but always putting the importance of winning or losing in perspective. It is enough to learn that every activity has a purpose and a purpose and that there are certain rules and regulations that must be adhered to.

On the other hand, young people must also be aware of the importance of working as a team in team sports, in addition to the respect and consideration that must be given to opponents.

4.- Over 15 years old: more difficult training

This is the phase when growth ends and muscle development is complete. At this stage, the young person can start to practice sports in a specialized way and increase the rigor of the training, without as many injuries as before.

The role of fathers and mothers

It is up to parents to be careful that their children do not take unnecessary risks. In a world as competitive as the one we live in, we can make the mistake of thinking that the sooner our children start playing a sport, the better chance they have of becoming elite professionals.

However, this is far from reality. The ideal development of children to play sports begins to appear in late adolescence. Before that, we must make sure that they enjoy and learn from the sport what is really important: that it will help them to be functional human beings.

Sport teaches children and young people the importance of working as a team, trusting others, defending themselves and resolving their differences, obeying established rules and norms and striving for results, among other things.

play sports

Values ​​and learning

These values ​​and learning are fundamental and necessary for your emotional and psychological development. It is much more important at this stage of life than mere physical development.

So if you’ve stopped to wonder why “my kid always gets hurt when he plays sports,” you might wonder if you’re pushing too hard for his age. Pay attention: a serious injury during the full growing years can affect a child’s entire life.

In fact, she may never fully recover and may not be able to play the sport she wants in the future. This is a very important aspect of children’s development.

So get to work! Make sure your child plays sports correctly to have fun and learn the necessary values. Later, he will have time to practice expertly and become a pro if that is his real wish.

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