Why Does My Baby Make Weird Noises When He Breathes?

Why does my baby make strange noises when breathing?

There are several reasons and even circumstances that can answer this question: Why does my child make strange noises when breathing? The truth is, there are countless reasons. It can be due to a simple flu such as laryngitis or bronchitis, among other illnesses that require the help of a specialist.

First of all, you need to know that normal breathing is calm, the chest expands smoothly during inhalation, is silent, the child’s appearance is peaceful, and when he cries, his cry is energetic and strong.

Other than that description, your child may be dealing with breathing difficulties. You may have mucus in your nose that clogs your airways. This problem is solved by washing the child’s nose and taking care of their health, as they probably have a cold.

The best thing is to go to the doctor, who will diagnose the case and tell you what to do. Children are very delicate creatures that haven’t grown up yet, so taking care of their health is paramount.

However, in this article we’ll give you some advice on what might be affecting your baby;  most recommendations are based on texts written by pediatricians, but this symptom may be due to several variants.

my son makes strange noises when he breathes

Sounds that indicate breathing difficulties

An article in the journal Pediatria Integral, written by a group of specialists belonging to the Spanish Society of Out-of-hospital Pediatrics and Primary Care, indicates the most frequent sounds that indicate difficulty breathing.

One of them is the gurgling which can indicate the presence of secretions or blood that must be immediately exhaled through the airway. Snoring, which can be a sign of partial obstruction of the airways by the tongue and wheezing.

Wheezing, the text states, is a low-pitched or high-pitched sound produced during inspiration, which indicates a partial obstruction of the airway due to edema, secretions or a foreign body.

During the investigation of the airways, you should ensure that the specialist is dedicated to:

  1. Listen and observe air movement and chest and abdominal movements.
  2. Feel the movement of air as it approaches the child’s mouth.
  3. Listen for abnormal airway sounds.

These steps will help the doctor analyze your child and diagnose what he or she has.

what can it be when my son makes strange noises when he breathes

Strange noises when breathing could be bronchitis

According to an article published by the Spanish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology , bronchitis is an infection of the lungs and respiratory tract of children, usually younger than 2 years, which can be caused by different viruses.

The most frequent is the so-called Respiratory Syncytial Virus, known by its acronym (VRS). Other less frequent viruses are the flu virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus and metapneumovirus. The disease affects the bronchi, especially the thinner ones.

The infection can appear at any time of the year, although it is more common to appear in the winter months and early spring.

Most children are sick for a week and then recover. But in some, the infection can lead to respiratory problems in the future.

“A pathological apnea is considered to be any episode of lack of respiratory flow lasting more than 20 seconds, regardless of the clinical repercussions it presents” . – Spanish Association of Pediatrics

Strange noises when breathing  can be a sign of laryngitis too

Acute subglottic laryngitis or croup is the most frequent cause of acute upper airway obstruction in childhood. According to a note from the Spanish Society of Out-of-Hospital Pediatrics and Primary Care, this disease is associated with a typical triad: dysphonia, strong cough and wheezing, with or without dyspnea.

It is mostly viral in cause and although it is often a respiratory emergency, it is usually benign. It should be differentiated from more serious diseases that can act similarly, such as epiglottitis and bacterial tracheitis.

Corticosteroids are the most useful treatment for acute treatment, and it is advisable to treat all cases with a single dose of oral dexamethasone, which reduces complications and improves its evolutionary course.

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