When You Are Told: What If Something Happens To Your Child?

Social pressure can reach unexpected limits. What used to be: “do you already have a boyfriend?” was replaced by “when will the wedding be?”
When they tell you: what if something happens to your child?

Once these first phases have been overcome, questions continue about the arrival of the first child and, then, necessarily about the arrival of a little brother. If the answer to the latter is no, you may end up hearing the cruel question: “What if something happens to your child?”

It’s at times like this that you understand that giving  opinion is a free sport for many people who don’t mince their words.  Furthermore, many people believe that they can solve other people’s problems that don’t even exist when they can’t even solve their own problems. The most serious point of this case is that the children are treated like figurines that can be replaced.

Yes, people are definitely able to ask and even assert atrocities like these. Worst of all, they speak with an impressive naturalness and lightness. However, when in the silence of the mind, we can stop to reflect. “What if something happens to your child?” What could happen? What should I wait for?

A type of replacement, in case “something happens to your child”

There may be illnesses that put children’s health at risk, domestic or car accidents and even unexpected dangers. However, it is not a question of thinking – absurdly – ​​that “if something happens to your child, you will be left with nothing or nobody”.

if it happens

For each child – like each person in this world – is unique and different. Each of these little ones writes a different story in their mothers’ lives. Therefore, under no circumstances can one think of having a child to form a kind of blood reserve bank.

Of course,  one child could never replace another. Much less the love and joy that a little one can bring can put out the fire caused by the loss of a child.  Therefore, this disastrous thought, which is so socially rooted, is completely meaningless.

I don’t need that kind of mini-plan B in case something happens to my little piece of heaven. I refuse to think or transmit, through these negative waves, something bad for my little love. If I choose not to have any more children or I think my child is doing well in this way, I don’t need to cling to cruel and insensitive theories.

Give birth just in case? No, thank you!

Yes, it’s often good to have a replacement for an object in case the first one fails, breaks, gets lost or any other eventuality. In this case, the role of the second material good is merely a substitute or auxiliary to the first. However, when we say “if something happens to your child”, we are talking about a non-material and unique treasure.

But giving birth just in case? No thanks, I’ll pass! For anyone who loves their child with all their heart knows that if something happens, no one will be able to take their place. There is no one who can inherit the love you had saved for him, nor anyone who can offer the same affection.

if it happens

A second brother could never return to this world the sensations that the first gave. Simply because they are different beings. It’s not about loving one child more than another. Simply, a mother loves her children with an inexplicable passion, yet they are completely different beings, with their particularities and their distinctive characteristics.

When I gave life to two children, I didn’t do it through cloning. So it can’t be the same thing to have one or another child by my side. In your heart of hearts, you will understand that you are left with only one. And, having lost the other, there is nothing that can change this fact, since there is no greater sadness or pain than those caused by the death of a child.

Nobody has, or at least shouldn’t have, two children in case one gets sick or dies. Children are usually chosen by love, by will, as part of a dream. We seek to form a family and have a child, whom we take care of always and forever.

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