When Is It Safe To Put The Baby To Sit?

Some people believe that a baby’s back can be injured if we put him in a sitting position too early.
When is it safe to put the baby to sit?

There is a popular belief that it is risky to sit a baby when he is very young.

However, experts say that every baby is different. Therefore, each one is able to perform a certain movement in their own time.

Most babies naturally begin to struggle with new movements. 

However, you won’t be able to do some of them until you can keep your head steady.

It is usually from six months onwards that babies will be able to turn over when they are lying down and maintain some stability.

Putting the baby to sit is not a problem if we are sure we are not forcing him to sit in that position.

To be sure, it’s best to wait until six months. Even if your little one already sits in the car seat or the swing.

The main recommendation is to have someone watching you at all times so that he is not in danger of falling and getting hurt.

Each baby develops at its own pace, even in these times when children learn much faster.

If a baby sits down, it’s because he can, no matter what his age.

Of course, if he is uncomfortable, he will naturally change his position to a more comfortable one.

How do you know if it’s safe to put the baby to sit?

To identify if the child does not feel well when we put him in a sitting position, it is necessary to observe his tension and discomfort levels.

If she shows any of these signs, try to change your position so you don’t hurt her. However, leading baby products are designed in such a way that they are always safe.

to sit

On this issue, for the child to be able to start to sit down without problems, it is important to consider that he must have first passed the following steps:

  • Being able to change position when lying down. For example, if we put it face down or belly up.
  • To be able to lift your head and hold it for a while.
  • Being able to support yourself on your arms and lift your chest off the floor or surface you are on. This movement is like a mini push-up that strengthens your arms and back.

There is no set date for the baby to be able to perform these movements, as it will depend on when your body is ready.

However, it is estimated that these processes occur  between four and eight months of age , a phase that takes place before beginning to crawl.

Sitting does not require any kind of “training”. But it is preferable for the baby to be able to perform this function spontaneously, without forcing.

Performing these actions alone will improve your security, thus avoiding anxiety and frustration.

Also, not allowing the baby to freely explore a particular space can be stressful.

Methods for putting the baby to sit

  • Baby carrier or kangaroo backpack. These accessories are designed so that the child is in a proper posture without straining his back. So you can be worry-free.
  • Car seats. This bench has an arch shape that allows you to distribute the weight so that the child’s back is not harmed.
  • Big chair. This model is not highly recommended. Despite keeping the child in an upright position, she does not stay in line. This causes the weight load to fall onto the lower back.

Of course, everything will depend on each child’s development. Some have the ability to maintain correct posture sooner while others will find it more difficult.

Recommendations when putting the baby to sit

to sit

Once the baby has already shown signs that he is ready, we can have him sit for a while, always with his neck and back supported.

For example, we can place him on our lap and support his back on our chest. Another option is to have him sit facing us and support his neck and back with our hands.

So that the child can strengthen the neck, back and arms, an exercise that works very well is to place the child on his stomach and offer an object from above.

This will make her try to lift her head and arms to reach you. Always remember to pay attention not to force the child to make any uncomfortable movements that damage their spine.

Soon the baby will learn to sit with his arms on the floor. Also, it’s a good idea to place a soft rug that’s large enough in the area where he’s playing.

During these exercises, we can assess his strength, in addition to being able to share unique moments with him.

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