What You Didn’t Know About Scarlet Fever

What You Didn't Know About Scarlet fever

Doctors thought that scarlet fever, a disease that affects children, was in the past, but recent cases show that this is not the case.

Scarlet fever is a disease that affects mainly children, caused by a bacterium called group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which is part of the family of germs that cause tonsillitis. This germ usually produces a toxin that generates a diffuse scarlet-red rash (hence the name of the disease).

It is important to clarify that not all streptococci produce this substance and that not all children are sensitive to it. For example, children infected with this bacterium who live in the same house can develop the disease in different ways, due to the fact that some react to this toxin and others do not.

Children may have scarlet fever more than once in their life.

In any case, with or without the rash, it is essential to consult a doctor so that he can recommend an appropriate treatment. Babies who develop a skin rash need to be treated with topical medications to resolve this discomfort.

But how is this disease transmitted? Basically, there is direct contact with the saliva of other infected children when talking, coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to transmit the bacteria when sharing utensils or toys that are placed in the mouth. So if your child is sick, isolation is essential.

If you are taking antibiotics, you can go back to school from the third day on, receiving medication because you are no longer in the contagious phase. If not, you should stay indoors to avoid passing the bacteria on to other children.

How does scarlet fever manifest?

scarlet fever

It is important to consult a pediatrician in case of any abnormal situation . When it comes to a child’s health, we need to act immediately to prevent the situation from becoming more complicated and more serious.

Fortunately, scarlet fever does not present any complications, as long as it is treated with the proper medications. But if that’s not the case, it can cause other problems such as rheumatic fever, which causes inflammation in the heart, joints and blood vessels, and glomerulonephritis, which affects kidney functions in a short time.

Vaccination is not efficient in preventing scarlet fever

Evolution: Scarlet fever

In this context, we invite you to read about the evolution of scarlet fever to be informed about the onset of symptoms.

  • First and second days after infection: the disease appears suddenly, causing headaches, tremors, vomiting, a feeling of discomfort in the throat and inflamed tonsils. The nodes located in the lower part of the neck swell and cause a lot of pain.

The baby doesn’t feel like eating or playing. During the first 12 or 48 hours, rashes (rash) appear in the groin, armpits and neck; which then spread throughout the entire body.

  • The evolution from the third to the fifth day: the red dots are all over the body, showing a certain relief, until it resembles a large red spot. The tongue is covered with a whitish coating, the taste buds increase in size and are redder than normal. Then the peeling of the skin begins.
  • Getting better on the sixth or eighth day: the disease diminishes in intensity. If you notice the fever rising again, there may be a complication that should be treated immediately.
  • Ninth day on: the skin peels off, starting with the face or torso and finally the hands and feet.

Unfortunately, scarlet fever can appear more than once during childhood because it is caused by streptococci of different species. This means that vaccination is not as effective as in other cases.

How to take care of a child with scarlet fever?

scarlet fever

Leaving it at home is the best way to take care of it at that time . Even when you can go back to school, it’s always good to make sure your child is feeling comfortable and pain free. So, prepare a diet based on white foods, homemade drinks (such as natural orange or lemon juice), nutritious soups and ice cream.

If your child doesn’t want to eat, don’t force him and offer light foods

If you have a humidifier that can be used with cold water, this is the perfect time to use it, as it will help relieve a sore throat. You can also use warm, cold water compresses around the child’s neck to lessen inflammation and provide some relief.

On the other hand, make sure the child has his nails cut so he doesn’t get hurt if the rash causes itching.

Only the mother’s love and the pediatrician’s advice will make your baby heal quickly. Be patient and provide a lot of affection in this difficult time.

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