What Is Fetal Lung Maturation?

What is fetal lung maturation for? In simple words, it’s what makes the baby able to breathe normally when it’s born. For this, your small lungs must develop properly in the mother’s uterus during pregnancy.
What is fetal lung maturation?

Fetal lung maturation is one of the most important aspects of the baby’s development process. Greater attention is given to this process when the little one has some kind of problem and ends up being born prematurely.

In practice, when there is a risk of premature birth, the doctor usually prescribes a special medication to the woman to speed up the maturation process. Next, we will see the main aspects of this subject, which is so relevant to the health of little ones.

The importance of fetal lung maturation

The fetal lung maturation process is one of the fundamental aspects for the baby to be able to breathe normally when leaving the uterus.

To facilitate vital functions, your small lungs must be perfectly developed by the end of your pregnancy. This includes the alveoli and bronchi, as well as a substance known as a surfactant, which all humans possess.

Surfactant is essential for the proper functioning of the lungs. Without it, they  would quickly collapse. This happens because this substance has the function of lining the alveoli internally and generating a type of bubble that makes them remain open, allowing the air to flow freely.

Fetal lung maturation in premature babies

During pregnancy, the fetus develops progressively. Of course, this development includes all internal organs. In fact, organs develop in the first three months of pregnancy.

Because of this development process , external care is very important during this period. Any medication, bacteria or disease can trigger various types of malformation.

Fetal lung maturation is an important step for the baby to be able to breathe when it is born.

Although during the first three months the internal organs of the fetus are already developed, the maturation process only takes place in the remaining period of pregnancy. This stage is essential for the child to be able to live fully in the outside world.

Likewise, the lungs, which develop in the first weeks of pregnancy, do not fully mature until they reach 34 weeks. When the baby is born, its lungs must expand and exchange blood for air. This ability is acquired around the 34th week.

When labor advances to before 37 weeks’ gestation, various complications can occur, including those related to the lungs. One of the most frequent is known as Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

Is it possible to help baby’s lungs to mature?

Yes, it is possible to help the lungs maturation process. Fortunately, science has taken giant steps in this direction, which has saved the lives of thousands of children around the world.

There are several medications that can help your baby’s lungs mature. This procedure is also known as pharmacological pulmonary maturation.

The application of this treatment is very simple . The doctor administers steroids to the mother via an intramuscular injection. She will receive one dose every 12 hours, repeating after 24 hours.

The baby’s lungs mature once the doses are applied. If the baby needs to be born urgently, the doctor will administer at least one dose before proceeding with the delivery.

Fetal lung maturation is a fundamental aspect that must be monitored.

General criteria for the treatment of maturation

There are certain general criteria that will indicate to the attending physician whether or not it is necessary to apply treatment for fetal lung maturation. In this sense, aspects such as the patient’s gestational age and whether there are any contraindications will be taken into account.

Women who suffer from certain pregnancy complications should not receive maturation treatment as their health can be seriously affected. Therefore, they must be monitored at all times.

For example, this treatment is especially contraindicated if the woman has diabetes and it is not controlled. The same applies if she suffers from high blood pressure.

Finally, in addition to the importance of fetal lung maturation, other problems can sometimes arise that lead to the premature birth of the baby. In most cases related to the lungs, there is the possibility of pharmacological maturation. With this, it is possible to accelerate its maturation in just 48 hours and save the baby’s life.

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