What Are These Little Red Spots On The Baby’s Skin?

What are these little red spots on the baby's skin?

Most of the time babies go through the same problems. For example, red patches on the skin are quite common in many cases.  However, the cause is not always the same or it may not be entirely clear.

In general, this type of skin infection is produced by chickenpox, which is so common in children, but it can also have other causes. It is possible that some children develop illnesses that are not common in our social environment. As a result, it may be more difficult to identify them.

Rashes or red spots

red spots

Rashes that appear in the form of red spots are called rashes by doctors. Their size and shape is varied. They are usually itchy and appear in different parts of the body. They can spread across the entire surface of the skin or appear in specific places.

The main childhood illnesses that cause skin rashes are chickenpox, measles and rubella. However, nowadays these infections are almost non-existent due to vaccines. Therefore, many mothers can be caught off guard, unable to determine what is happening to the baby.

On the other hand, experts say that 70% of the time this type of blemish appears because of illnesses caused by viruses. In this sense, they end up disappearing without the need for treatment and without aggravating factors. Despite this, it is always recommended to take the baby to a pediatrician, especially when there are other symptoms at the same time.

The main causes of red spots on the skin

To prevent the diseases that cause these rashes from reaching our babies, it  is very important to keep vaccinations up to date. However, as we’ve said, these spots can be caused by infections that are not common in children.

red spots

Likewise, it is convenient to know what are the diseases that cause these red spots on the skin. Among others, we have the following:


It usually affects children between two and ten years old. It is one of the most common illnesses in children. It can also appear in babies and adults, but less often. It is caused by a highly contagious virus.

This virus remains in the body for a long time, so it is able to show up again later. Symptoms include fever, joint and headache pain, and red patches on the skin.

atopic dermatitis

It is one of the most common infections that appear on the skin of babies and children. Its most noticeable symptoms are the appearance of rashes that cause itchiness, dryness and peeling of the skin. In some cases, small rashes produce a crust, in addition to irritation in large areas of the skin.


It is also a disease caused by a virus. It is common in children, among whom it spreads rapidly. In addition to the red spots on the skin, they may have other symptoms such as cough, fever and inflammation in the lymph nodes.

Scarlet fever

Unlike other similar diseases, scarlet fever is caused by streptococci, bacteria that affect children. It is relatively contagious and is mainly transmitted through sneezing and saliva drops. Symptoms related to this disease are red spots on the skin, fever, sore throat, nausea, and rough skin.


This infection caused by bacteria is characterized by the appearance of rashes that usually turn into blisters. It is transmitted through contact with the infected person’s skin. The main areas affected are the face, neck, diaper-covered region and hands.


Like other similar diseases, measles was almost eradicated due to the application of vaccines. For this reason, cases of this disease are less frequent. It is a disease caused by a virus and very contagious. But, once overcome, it never reappears.

It is possible to recognize this disease due to the appearance of rashes when it is already in an advanced stage. The initial symptoms are similar to those of a cold and usually last for three days.

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