Tips For Starting School Without Tears

If we think about this for a moment, we will realize that this is a moment so full of emotions and anxiety that it is actually no more than the first portal
Advice for starting school without tears

Starting school without tears is something every family wants.

It’s almost like a rite of passage for both the little one and the family, and it always produces a certain fear and anxiety.

However, surviving our children’s first day of school can be easy if we follow some simple advice.

Our son, our daughter, is growing up.

Starting kindergarten or primary education is nothing more than the beginning of a great adventure.

Because we cannot forget that, without a doubt, more days of tears will come. But there will also be many more days of smiles, discoveries and wonderful moments to remember.

School is a child’s second social circle after the family. AND

therefore, it is necessary for us to be skilled managers in this process to favor a good integration.

We must offer the little ones adequate strategies so that they learn to be part of this environment.

Here on the blog, we want to offer a series of tips for starting school in a way that won’t be traumatic for you or your children.

Believe it or not, in the end, we’ll all survive this day.

Starting School: Advice for Success

It is common to say that if a child already has experience with day care centers, he or she will not live with so much drama on the first day of school.

Still, we cannot rely on that alone.

Each situation is different and we cannot predict what the situation will be, either.


will feel. The best thing is to prepare the ground.

start school

1. Awareness: we prepare ourselves before starting school

The best thing is to prepare our children for this moment throughout the summer.

“School will start” or “Now you’re a big boy” are very useful expressions.

  • Going to school means growing up. In order for a child to feel a little bigger, it is important that they are integrated into every step of this school entry ritual.
  • Let them choose part of their school supplies:

    bags, cases, lunch boxes, notebooks…. Get her involved in this process, allowing her to have a voice and vote.

  • In turn, it is also

    It is important that the child knows more or less what he will find.

    It is important to try to talk to her to explain that there will be an opportunity to meet new children.

  • Telling her that she is going to learn, spending a lot of time away from home, playing in the courtyard, attending a class are good tips.
  • Answer your questions and concerns

Above all, try to make her see this as something interesting, something she will like.

If she notices any worry, the anxiety will certainly increase.

2. Pay attention to your child’s emotions in the days before school starts

Children tend to show their emotions two or three days before school starts.

Some of the things we should be concerned about are, without a doubt, when they don’t want to eat or when they wet the bed.

start school

  • These are without a doubt the most worrying factors that we should not overlook.
  • Even so, if there are other older children of school age and they make fun of the child, frightening him, it is necessary that we control these situations.
  • Try to break the tensions, make them feel surprised. If they see joy in you, they will catch your enthusiasm.

3. The first day of school: do’s and don’ts

  • Don’t arrive at school too late. This means saying goodbye to the child quickly and traumatizingly.
  • The best thing is to go in advance so that she becomes familiar with the school, the classrooms, the partners, the teachers…

  • Do not leave her alone immediately with other children or in the classroom with teachers.
  • Don’t say terse phrases like “don’t cry”; “You have to behave or Mom will be mad”; “You have to respect the teacher or you will be expelled from school.”
    começar a escola
  • It is much more about eliminating this negative connotation. Make use of emotional intelligence. “Dad and Mom know you’ll be fine and that you’ll make lots of friends”; “Don’t be afraid because your teacher will take care of you”; Your friends are as nervous as you.”
  • Another aspect to consider is the time factor. The little ones don’t understand.

    That means we shouldn’t say “You’ll be home soon” because that’s not true.

  • For a child the most complex aspect of starting school is separation from us. Because we are known, we are the ones who guarantee security and affection.

  • It is more appropriate to say that when the class is over you will be there to take her home. There is no point in giving false expectations.

    Focus on the teacher figure as someone who will take care of her.

    4. After the first day at school, the second day comes, which is also not easy.

    Often, we only talk about the complexity of starting school. We only talk about the first day.

    However, believe it or not, the second one can be even more difficult.

    • Once the child knows how the classroom routines are, it is possible that he/she will tell us that “doesn’t want to go back” story.

      Until our kids get into the everyday dynamics of school, their emotions will get unbalanced.

    • It takes patience and, above all, a positive attitude. It’s not just about saying “you go, whether you like it or not”.

      We have to be intuitive and empathetic rather than original.

    • It is important to see that the child knows how he feels. But it is also necessary to show that we all have responsibilities. Mom and Dad work and he or she must go to school.

      começar a escola

      Last but not least, try to make your child rest well, eat healthily, and enjoy your leisure time.

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