Tips For Getting Back In Shape After Giving Birth

A woman’s body changes a lot during pregnancy. However, with a good diet and proper exercise plan, getting back in shape can be easier than you think.
Tips to get back in shape after giving birth

It is common for many women to want to immediately establish an exercise routine and strict diet to regain fitness after giving birth.

Of course this is not an obligation and no one should demand it. After all, it is necessary to understand that motherhood changes a woman’s body drastically and that her recovery is not immediate.

If the mother is in good health, she should not be pressured to get back to the shape she was in before. This should be a personal decision to feel good about yourself and nothing more.

Not all women think it’s bad to have a few extra pounds. In fact, many love their stretch marks, as they symbolize motherhood. On the other hand, there are also those women who feel good just with a flat stomach, toned legs and a dreamy body.

It is always a good time to increase self-esteem and look for alternatives that are better suited to the situation. This phase is mainly due to the extra care that must be taken after bringing a being into the world.

Getting back in shape after giving birth can be achieved with a good diet and a daily exercise routine. It’s not an impossible task, it just takes perseverance and conviction.

Keep in mind that changes will not be seen overnight. It is a long process and it takes time to get good results.

Before starting the mission to get back in shape after giving birth, it is very important to consult a specialist to monitor this process.

He will be responsible for drawing up a plan with you, according to your needs. With this, you will be able to advise on the necessary amounts of food, the schedule and the types of exercises that will be performed.

Tips to get back in shape after giving birth

Some medical experts recommend starting to get back in shape just 4 months after giving birth.  This is because during this period the organs return to their place, the hormones are a little more stabilized and the metabolism starts to accelerate.

The brace can help you regain your shape after giving birth.

In addition, the mother will be more adapted to the baby’s routine. That way, it’s easier to get organized and start a routine of exercises and practices, such as the ones mentioned below:

no negative thoughts

It is necessary to face this challenge with positive thoughts, receiving support from your loved ones. Negativity influences the failure of the proposed goals. The mind always dominates the body, so every challenge must be taken with the best attitude.

have an active pregnancy

During the nine months, it is recommended to keep moving constantly. This includes walking, doing yoga, aerobics, and lifting light weights. Thus, after childbirth, the body will already be used to a routine and going back to it will be easier.


Feeding the baby causes the mother to expend a lot of calories which leads to weight loss. Much of the accumulated milk will come out naturally. Thanks to this, in a few weeks a few pounds will be shed.


Exercise, in addition to being very healthy, prevents the formation of clots due to inactivity. Remember, if it’s a normal birth, you’ll need to wait at least two days to start exercising.

It is advisable to practice simple exercises such as moving your feet, bending your ankles, turning your body from side to side, and pushing non-heavy objects with your feet.

In turn, sit-ups can only be done after 4 weeks. This exercise will help to contract the uterus, helping it to return to its normal size.

From then on, it is possible to intensify the exercise routine, as long as the body can take it  and does not imply a negligence in relation to the baby’s needs.

Good nutrition

It is necessary to start a balanced diet that includes vegetables, vegetables, fruits, cereals, minerals, vitamins and low-calorie foods.

All of this will help the body regain the energy it needs to balance itself with exercise. In addition, they will help to improve the skin, reduce marks and increase defenses.

Avoid saturated fats and foods high in sugar. It is also recommended to cook meat, prepare steamed vegetables and avoid frying.

Postpartum braces

Braces are a good option to help you regain shape after giving birth. You just have to know when and how to use it.

If the delivery was by cesarean, the brace can be used after 8 weeks. It will help firm your skin while you lose weight through diet and exercise.

sleep face down

Adopting this sleeping position  as soon as possible  will help the uterus to flatten out.  It also relaxes the back and legs, which helps with posture and provides a feeling of maximum relaxation.

Drink water

The body needs to regain stability, and hydration plays an essential role in this. Remember we are 70% water.

Water contributes to the elimination of toxins and speeds up metabolism. Therefore, the accumulated fats in the body will be quickly burned.

Although many women don't know it, breastfeeding is a great way to get back in shape after giving birth.

patience and perseverance

It’s a long way to go. Sit-ups are the most difficult and slowest exercises to get results.  Therefore, you need to keep your spirits up, be constant and patient. Don’t worry, you’ll soon reach your goals.

If you despair of getting back in shape and take longer than expected, you will likely develop depression out of frustration. So, rest assured.

Give your body the time it needs, love yourself for who you are, and set achievable goals within reasonable timeframes. With this, you will surely succeed in each completed step. Thus, you will get the motivation to achieve the goal you set.

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