Things You Should Know About Your 2 Year Old my

Things You Should Know About Your 2 Year Old

Keeping up with the growth of children is the most wonderful thing that can happen when we are mothers. Watching the little ones grow not only in size but also in knowledge and skills is unparalleled. However, we always ask ourselves if our child is developing correctly, if he knows what he should know for his age. In this article we are going to talk about what your 2 year old should know.

The context: the 2-year-old baby

First we must know the context. The 2-year-old baby almost always catches us off guard with this drive for independence, determination and will. So get ready! It’s not a lie at all when you say “the terrible 2 years”.

When they reach the age of 2, the laughing and fun babies we had at home turn into a kind of little monsters who just want more and more independence. They defy our rules and throw tremendous tantrums if we don’t let them immerse themselves in all of their adventures, which they believe they are capable of.

So we have a 2 year old baby with few skills, but full of enthusiasm and a desire to take on the world. They want to be great, do great things, and there’s no stopping them. So you must grow up as a mother and understand that they have already conquered their own space and are now starting to make their own decisions. Respect them as much as possible. If you control the controlling mother in you, it will be easier for you to undertake this task. It’s time to grow personally too. You are the mother of a 2 year old baby!

motor skills

  • Must be able to walk safely.
  • Run with arms and legs loose (without looking like a robot)
  • Climb stairs with support.
  • Down stairs with support (still without alternating both legs)
  • Climbing on park toys (or furniture in the house!)
  • Go down a small slide.
  • Have fun with the movement of the swings.
  • Turn around yourself.
  • Kick a ball.
  • Play a ball with your hands.
  • Play with matching games that have pieces the size of your hands.
  • Hold a thicker crayon or pencil.
  • Uncapping and capping pens.
  • Paint on large sheets (60 x 60 cm)
  • Try to put on your shoes.
  • Drinking from a glass.
  • Try to eat alone using a spoon.
  • Put small pieces in pots and be able to get them back (put beans in cups)


Cognitive abilities

  • Locate parts of your body (head, belly, legs, nose, hands)
  • Imitate daily life actions such as: combing, soaping, putting on shoes, covering yourself, talking on the phone, going to “work”
  • Recognize at least 4 animals by name.
  • Answer by name when called.
  • Learn simple songs and poetry.
  • Imitate movements and poses almost perfectly.
  • Start noticing that they have a dirty diaper. Some, over these two years, already manage to control the time to do number two during the day.
  • They can count 1, 2, 3.

language development

  • Increase your vocabulary (every day the child speaks more words and articulates them better)
  • It includes instructions such as: Sit down, get your shoes, take this to Daddy, bring your cart.
  • Say “no” when you don’t want something.
  • He uses key words to communicate such as: give me, water, tetê, mom, dad, now…
  • Mimics the sounds some animals make.
  • Calls family members by name.
  • When they are about to turn 3, they should express themselves fluently, with prayers of 4 or more words.

    Social development

    • They start to have “favorite people” they prefer to be with.
    • There are some games that are like rituals, which they always do. For example, scaring daddy.
    • They easily learn “thank you” or polite behaviors that show others their solidarity. For example, “hit here”, “show me your little eyes”, “who is the princess of the house?”.
    • They don’t like to share toys even with their “favorite people”.
    • They play alone, but enjoy the company of other children.
    • They imitate older children and want to be part of the older group.
    • They ask for help when they need it.


    I do not believe! But he’s still a baby!

    In that year your baby will not be 2 years old to become a child. It will be a year of great changes for both him and you. By the end of this terrible year, your big baby will be a small child, so enjoy every moment.

    When your 2-year-old is about to turn 3:

    • It will express itself fluidly.
    • You will have left the crib and slept in bed.
    • You will no longer drink milk from a bottle, but from baby cups or using a straw.
    • You will only wear diapers at night.
    • Many start taking a nap only once a day instead of twice.

    It’s no small thing!

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