There Is No Greater Passion Than Seeing Your Baby’s Face At Birth

There is no greater passion than seeing your baby's face at birth

There is a love that has no expiration date. It’s a love at first sight, instantaneous, withering, and at the same time wonderful that you’ll never let go of: your child and that moment when you see him for the first time. This story, yours and your baby’s, is written in invisible, permanent ink, lovingly engraved in the deepest part of the innermost depths of your heart.

However, it also doesn’t matter if you carried this little one for 9 months in your belly, or if he spent that time in someone else’s belly, perhaps in another country, where he was waiting for a new family. We love our children not because they have our genetic code, but because they are desirable creatures and because their faces, in any case, are the most beautiful, the most perfect, and the most magical to us.

We are sure that throughout your life you have been in love two, three, ten or even twenty times. It’s also quite possible that you currently have the perfect person by your side, the one with whom you want to build a life and a project. However, love for a child is something different, something incomparable that both mom and dad experience with great intensity, sometimes wondering “how can such a small being make me feel so big?”…


My baby is my world, the most perfect being I ever loved before I was born

Even before your baby was in your arms, you loved him, already dreamed about him and imagined in your mind what the face would be, the shape of the nose, the hair color, the shape of the chin or the sound of the voice. You had made an image of him or her, but it was at birth, when they put that little being in your arms, that you felt something much deeper and more intoxicating: before you already loved him, but at that moment you were madly in love with your child or for your daughter.

Your child is perfect and will always be so

A child just to be born and to be part of this world is already perfect in itself. It will never matter the skin color, the origin, if you have any deficiency or developmental difficulties. This being is perfect because he is loved and because the affection of a mother or father never sees defects in what is yours, in what belongs to your heart.

We should all think like this, we should see childhood and all children as perfect beings who, in turn, deserve a perfect life, in which there is no lack of protection, affection, support, a feeling of protection, appreciation and a creation based on love .


The precious face when it arrived in the world…

There are children who are born calm, others arrive in the world in tears and frightened, perhaps protesting for having been removed from an environment as perfect and cozy as the mother’s womb. In any case, if there is something that every mother and father remembers it is that moment when they finally managed to see the baby’s face, still covered in blood, in a layer of fat and with the umbilical cord still attached to the abdomen. .

Few moments are as wonderful as this one. The labor pains, the feeling of exhaustion, the fear and the tears are put aside for a moment to calm this little body so scared and that so badly needs this second with its parents.

Our story is a never-ending, eternal and unconditional love story


There will be difficult times, you know that. There will be days when you’re going to be mad at her or her, days when you’re going to be disappointed, drained, or desperate… However, there won’t be a moment when that love for your child will wane. Even more in the most complex times or when he demonstrates the most difficult temperament to deal with, you will continue to love this being because that is what being a mother or father is all about: offering an unconditional love that will serve as a guide to be better each day, so that the little one always knows where his home is.

A baby comes into the world without a lot of baggage, but what constitutes every particle of his being is something that will always keep him connected to you . It’s a never-ending love story, it’s a book with infinite chapters, from which you can always learn, but in which the common thread will always be the same: your desire to make your child happy, protect and always wish the best for them. little being.

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