The Importance Of Liking And Treating All Children Equally

How many times have you heard stories that in a family there is a favorite child? Or how many cases have you seen that the youngest turns out to be the most spoiled? In this article, we’ll look at the importance of liking and treating all children equally.
The importance of liking and treating all children equally

When there is a family where two or more siblings live together, equality is of great importance. Equality can no longer be a utopia. In such cases, it becomes a rule. It  becomes a reality that must be manifested to ensure the well-being and good coexistence among family members.

For a child, it is very sad and painful to feel less loved than their sibling. In fact, it can be disturbing and cause many disagreements, resentments and resentments that definitely do not lead to a good result.

Feeling that you are treated differently, according to psychologists, can create traumas that are  difficult to overcome and that even remain ingrained as adults.  That’s why we should pay close attention to the importance of liking and treating all children equally.

On the other hand, we know that all our children are important, that we love them and would give our lives for them. But do they know this? At times, everyday stress and day-to-day responsibilities make us make decisions that on the surface seem to be the right ones. However, when analyzed in detail, they may not have been as fair and equitable.

Liking alike is essential

children also

In some situations, our children may stop and think about the equal treatment we give them and may feel that we are unfair. It is quite likely that something is missing or that we are unaware of some detail. Then they will let you know.

Of course, being judged by your child is disturbing. But even so, it is essential to listen to him and adjust our opinion when necessary. Likewise, it is entirely possible that one of them is wrong.

Let’s not forget that if one of our children behaves well and the other doesn’t, it’s not right to reward both. It’s important that they know they have equal opportunities to hit and miss. Therein lies the importance of being fair and equitable. Showing love and recognition to everyone equally will favor the emotional development of the children in the house.

Rules to get the balance

 Here’s a guide that will help you keep your balance:

When there is equality, there is peace

If one of your children has said that you prefer your brother to him, consider it consciously. The child is likely to feel upset because he is jealous or because you scolded him for acting badly towards his sibling. However, it could also be that you were mistaken.

children also

Ask for forgiveness

To err is human, but to correct your error is to be wise. So, if you committed an act that favored one and harmed another of your children, talk to them. Let them know that even though you did wrong, your love for them is enormous.

seek help

Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if at some point you feel you can’t manage the situation. Especially if this is creating discomfort and conflict within your family.

let the wounds heal

It is possible that in the face of feeling less wanted or favored by their parents, a child may feel deeply hurt. But if you have the courage to apologize, that wound will also heal.

Value and recognition

Each head is a world. We are all unique and special beings, and so are your children Recognizing the positive that exists in each of them, in their actions, valuing their virtues, accepting their defects and determining their opportunities for improvement, are actions that your children will be grateful for.

We must not forget that if all your children are loved, respected and treated equally, they will grow up healthier and happier. The idea is that none of our children feel that they are ignored, looked down upon, or less liked.

In this way, we will be reinforcing the development of your emotional intelligence. Without a doubt, we will create solid bonds and family ties that are impossible to break.

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