Talk To Your Kids As If They Were Magical, Kind And Wise People

Talk to your children as if they were magical, kind and wise people

Talk to your children as if they were magical people, beings made of kindness, endowed with humility and respectful wisdom. Because, in that way, they will act like that, instead of listening and following your recommendations by force. They will grow into special adults who will shape each of these seeds you have planted.

Many moms and dads know that it is not always easy to inculcate in their children these values ​​that define us and that, in essence, configure that dignified and respectful nobility with which they manage to be happy and also transmit happiness. As we’ve always stated on this page, few things matter more than setting an example. However, there is an aspect that we must never lose sight of in raising the little ones.

We talked about the need to be agents, people who provide this learning that comes from emotions and is able to shape minds and hearts. María Montessori once said that “it is necessary to sow good ideas in children, because even if they do not understand at the time, the passing of years will take care of deciphering them and making them blossom in the hearts of the little ones”.

Such art, such educational and wonderful architecture needs all our energies, our time and our intentionality. However, it is a daily effort in which it is worth investing our lives, our dreams and our hope. We explain how to do this.

Your child is a magical being. Make him see, feel and believe he’s special


Making a child believe he is special is not making him think he is better than other people. It is allowing her to see the world with confidence, knowing that she is loved, that she is capable of fighting for her dreams, of having a voice in the world, of providing her self-esteem day by day with a strong and valuable internal structure.

Find out what are the simple strategies and everyday actions that will allow us to achieve this inner growth, to feel valuable and special:

  • Attach value and importance to every thing your child says, positively reinforce what he or she does right, and avoid criticizing or punishing his mistakes. When he does something wrong, help him improve by conveying your confidence.
  • Appreciate it in public.
  • Leverage your child’s imagination . Offer learning opportunities where he can have fun, where he can connect with his environment, his surroundings, and you too.

Humility and kindness, two roots that you should grow in your children


Raising our children in humility in the first place will allow them to learn to better deal with frustration. Demonstrating early on the need to share, to not think oneself more important than anyone else, to consider other people will gradually make this age between 2 and 6 years old, characterized by childish egocentrism, to be less intense and more open to other people.

Being kind is not just a matter of civility, it is a value with which one can grow as a person and which, in turn, is linked to humility. In this dimension, we must also serve as an example on a daily basis. We must also not forget that kindness is shown through the language, the tone of voice, the way our children see us dealing with other people.

To inculcate kindness in our children, do not hesitate to follow these advices:

  • Teach them to say “thank you” and understand the effect that word has on their daily lives.
  • Teach them to share, to wait for their turn, to respect deadlines, to understand that yours, and mine, can also be “ours”.
  • Allow him to come into contact with other children from an early age. This interaction with your peers will help you learn to share, to get in touch with other ideas, other tastes, other preferences…

Your child is wise, convey love through learning


A curious child is a receptive child. A child who feels free to interact, to ask, to approach us with their doubts, interests and comments is a child who enjoys learning. We must enhance this value, the value of curiosity.

Of course, not all children learn at the same pace, each child has their own interests and has certain aptitudes and potentials. However, all children are wise. They have an innate ability to interact with the world, to idealize, to see things from a perspective that we as adults have left behind.

We must reinforce this gift, this nobility and this magic that allows them to enjoy things with an exceptional intensity. A child who feels comfortable, who receives parental support, who feels loved and valued for who he is, and for what he can do, will be a child who enjoys learning and who will continue to increase his potential.

Don’t hesitate to remind your little treasure every day that he is magical, wise, humble and a very special person.

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