Stitches In Children: What To Do And How To Cure?

Stitches in children: what to do and how to cure?

The sty itches and hurts. Few things bother you more than having a sty in your eye, whether adults or children. The positive side of these inflammations is that the treatment is simple and usually doesn’t have many complications. In this article we will give some tips on the treatment and prevention of sty in children.

A sty is nothing more than an inflammation of the skin. However, it is a torment both for the children who suffer from it and for the mothers. No matter how many times you tell the child not to scratch, he or she will end up scratching and making the situation worse. Well, anyone who has ever had a sty knows what a torture it is.

But… What exactly is a sty? Terçol is the popular name for hordeolum and it is a small inflammation with pus that is located at the root of the eyelashes. Inflammation occurs in the sebaceous glands (which produce fat) or sweat glands (which produce sweat). These glands are responsible for producing a liquid substance that lubricates the eyes.

The sty can appear either on the top or on the bottom of the eyelid. This inflammation can lead to chalazion, which is larger and deeper.

The sty or hordeolum can be external or internal. The inner hordeolum, as its name suggests, occurs under the skin and is not visible, but the pain is the same. This type also takes longer to heal as it has less drainage capacity.

The symptoms of a sty are: eyelid redness and swelling, itching, pain to the touch, watery eyes, and finally a pus-filled rash.

Causes of Stye in Children

Sty is an infection caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria. Contrary to what you might think, it is not related to any type of deficiency in the child’s body. These bacteria already live in the body and eventually can cause a blockage in the sebaceous glands giving rise to the sty. This can happen with old sebum, dead skin cells or bacteria that were already there.

how to treat sty in children

How to treat the sty in children

Although the sty usually disappears on its own, the following are some recommendations to help speed the healing process and alleviate symptoms:

  • Apply hot water compresses to the inflamed area. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day.
  • If you prefer, compresses can be made with chamomile tea as it helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • The pediatrician may recommend an ointment or eye drops to apply to the infected eye.
  • If the child wears contact lenses, it is necessary to change them to regular glasses until the infection disappears. When using the lenses again, clean them with a suitable solution.

Usually the sty takes 3 to 7 days to disappear. If it does not heal within this time, consult a doctor as the problem may worsen. In some cases, a small incision may be needed to drain the infection. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require suturing.

What NOT to do to try to cure the sty in children

When it comes to curing the sty in children, perhaps the most important thing to do is not to try to cure them by force. Here are 3 things not to do:

  • Do not squeeze. If you try to burst, it can cause a bigger infection.
  • Do not rub. Make sure the child does not scratch the inflamed area. Scratching will only make the infection worse.
  • Do not apply ointments or products without medical advice. Because of its proximity to the eye, it’s a very sensitive area. Using products without knowledge can make the problem even worse.

sty in children can be very disturbing

How to prevent the sty in children

The most effective way to avoid sty in children is to maintain good daily hygiene. The child must wash their hands well. If she’s had a sty before, it’s a good idea to clean the fat that accumulates in the eyelid area from time to time.

It is essential to clean your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses because of direct eye contact when putting them on. For adults, it is advisable to remove all makeup before bed. It’s also important to always check the condition of your mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadows, especially if they haven’t been used for a long period of time.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that the person with a sty must not share personal objects that have contact with the eyes, such as towels, pillows or sunglasses, etc…

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