Seven Tips To Fight Fatigue In Pregnancy

Is it normal to feel so tired during pregnancy? Rest assured, this fatigue is absolutely normal and unavoidable.  This tiredness usually appears in the first trimester and returns as soon as the pregnancy ends. It is also possible that the intensity will be maintained for nine months.

What is certain is that many women  since they discovered that they were expecting a child could not hold back the almost infinite desire for a good restorative rest. But that weight makes perfect sense as your body is making a tremendous effort to create a life within you.

  Around 70% of pregnant women suffer from some sleep disorder. This makes the pregnant woman feel tired for most of the day. Therefore, in this article we tell you the reason for this fatigue and we will give you 7 tips to fight fatigue during pregnancy.

Why do I feel so tired?

One of the reasons you may feel this endless fatigue is the lack of iron inherent in pregnancy,  as a consequence of a high need for the element during pregnancy. This factor can bring with it other symptoms such as shortness of breath, brittle nails, rapid heartbeat, etc…

Another factor why you feel so sleepy is due to the hormonal changes  that take place during those nine months. In this case, progesterone, responsible for regulating the reproductive cycle, increases considerably, also having a tranquilizing effect, and contributing to the feeling of tiredness.


Finally, there are also a series of reactions, related to the state you are in, that tend to drain your strength and energy: nausea or vomiting and worry or anxiety that involves waiting for this moment.

7 tips to fight fatigue during pregnancy

  • Rest as much as your body asks for. What has been planned in advance doesn’t matter so much, and the  best way to fight fatigue is to sleep. Naps are a great help, even when they seem short. If you have to get up early, and during the day it’s impossible to take a little rest, try going to bed earlier at night.
  • Eating well is everything. Ending the myth that “a pregnant woman should eat for two”, the truth is that  the woman during this stage requires more energy, needing 300 extra calories per day. But this plus must come with a healthy, varied and balanced diet.

    You can follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains, skim milk and non-fat foods. The ideal in any case is to eat less, but more times a day, in order to prevent anxiety, nausea and the feeling of bloating. All of them factors that affect sleep.

    • Fight tiredness with adequate hydration. Even though it is hard to believe, dehydration is one of the causes of your fatigue, which makes good hydration the main resource to avoid fatigue. Doctors recommend that pregnant women take at least two liters of fluid a day.

    It should be noted that to be properly hydrated you can not only drink water, but also infusions, juices, dairy products, and even foods rich in water. Keep in mind that water should not only be taken when you are thirsty, but rather anticipate this need and drink small amounts throughout the day.


    • A little moderate exercise is fine. It is not crazy to think that, even with less energy, it is considered to carry out some moderate physical activities, such as short walks, or short walks to do some breathing exercises.

    In this way you will also fight fatigue by recharging your batteries and recovering the energy that is sorely lacking at this moment. But it is clear that these exercises cannot imply a great effort and must be monitored by the gynecologist.

    • Escape from stress during pregnancy. Exposure to stressful situations increases fatigue during pregnancy, not only physically but also mentally. Therefore, experts advise pregnant women to maintain relaxation.
    • Can controlled breathing fight fatigue? Yes indeed, focusing attention on the breath can relax you. Stretching the body, even on the floor, favors good posture and relaxation of the spine. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing: gently inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Just relax!
    • Delegate your tasks. At this point, it doesn’t matter if the chores around the house aren’t done, because you have the best excuse in the world: I’m pregnant! If you already have children, you can ask someone you trust to check them out at least once a week so you can relax and rest more.

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