Revolutionary 5D Ultrasound

One of the things that most thrills parents-to-be is being able to observe their child for the first time through ultrasounds. With the arrival of 5D technology, it is possible to obtain an almost completely real image of the fetus.
The revolutionary 5D ultrasounds

5D ultrasounds are part of the diagnostic techniques developed by obstetric medicine in order to assess various aspects of the physical condition and general health of fetuses. To achieve this goal, electromedical equipment is used that works with high-frequency sound waves  that pass through four angles and create image sequences.

Although this medical diagnostic tool was created for medical purposes, it cannot be denied that it has allowed a stronger feeling of love for the future child to develop in the parents. This is because of the  emotion and expectations created by being able to know the child’s physical characteristics in advance. 

It is mainly because of this last detail that parents most frequently request that responsible physicians perform 5D ultrasounds. That way, they can have in their hands what will be the child’s first portrait.

What is 5D ultrasound?

5D ultrasound represents the latest advance in imaging diagnosis of the fetus during pregnancy. In fact, it’s quite similar to 4D ultrasound, with the difference that with 5D, you can get sharper, better-resolution images that show the near-accurate appearance of your baby’s facial and body features.

Although 4D ultrasound is very accurate and allows the obstetrician to make a correct diagnosis of the condition of the fetus, it is the novelty in image quality that thrills and surprises parents, who are always very anxious to know what their future child will look like.

On the other hand, the contribution of 5D ultrasounds in relation to the diagnostic evolution of the fetus lies in the fact that,  due to the sharpness of the image, it is possible to detect possible immunological and liver abnormalities more quickly. In addition, it is possible to assess data as accurate as the baby’s blood flow through color Doppler.

5D ultrasounds

When is the best time to do it?

The most recommended time to perform a 5D ultrasound is from the third trimester of pregnancy, more precisely between the 24th and 30th week. That’s when it’s possible to get a much more accurate picture of the baby. 

However, as this technique is not invasive and does not cause side effects for the mother or fetus, it can be repeated at different stages of pregnancy, such as:

  • In the first trimester, from the 10th to the 13th week, to observe the uterine environment of the fetus.
  • Between the 12th and 20th week,  to see the baby’s entire body in a single image, even if face details are lost.
  • From the 24th to the 26th week, for cases of multiple pregnancy (twins).
  • At week 32,  to observe the baby’s position just before delivery.

Many mothers also wonder if they need to undergo some kind of special preparation to have a 5D ultrasound or if they can influence the ideal observation of the fetus in any way.

In this sense, it is considered  that  if the mother ingests some sweet food a few hours before the procedure, the baby will be more active. This will allow you to record from multiple angles.

How much do 5D ultrasounds cost?

Undoubtedly, estimated prices for 5D ultrasounds vary depending on the country and type of medical institution in which the mother is tested. The approximate price in Brazil is 120 reais.

5D ultrasounds

Is it worth doing?

This question can be answered based on the patient’s specific needs. The 5D exam is analogous to the 4D, therefore, regarding medical issues, there is no big difference and the obstetrician can make the complete diagnosis in the same way.

The choice will depend more on the parents, if they want to have a clearer image of the child to appreciate it or because of a very specific indication from the doctor. However, if the budget is very tight, 4D ultrasound is a good option.

As final information, it is noteworthy that,  with medical and technological advances, 6D ultrasounds are already being discussed. Without a doubt, we are moving towards supreme quality HD ultrasounds.

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