Respect Between Mother And Child

Respect between mother and child

Respect between parents and children is essential to create a solid bond, a healthy relationship and a beautiful feeling, capable of getting stronger over time. However, the path can be more difficult than we think, and when our child disrespects us, we often react badly.

In a situation of disrespect, the best remedy is to teach. Yes, of course it is very difficult not to react negatively, but we achieve much more if we control ourselves and teach, rather than yelling and punishing our child.

No father or mother is born knowing everything. Next, we’ll help parents prepare properly for all those situations in which you can teach your child respect, without disturbing their inner peace and without resorting to bad tempers.

Our most common reactions

When an adult is faced with a situation of disrespect on the part of their child, they usually do two things :

  1. He is silent and stunned/paralyzed. (state of shock)
  2. Reacts negatively. (impulsiveness). In this case, the situation is aggravated by acting in an exaggerated way, through violent demonstrations, screaming and, finally, imposing punishment on the child.

The mistake is often made of imposing and demanding respect when perhaps something has not been sown, clearly and assertively in the relationship between parents and children. Therefore, the most important step is to start respecting the child, paying attention, and understanding the situations they are going through, according to their age and needs.

respect between parents and child

Dialogue is the key to a good relationship and maintaining respect between parents and children

Respect is undoubtedly one of the most important values ​​you should teach your children, as it is a reciprocal value: it is given with the intention of getting back. CAUTION! It’s not about thinking that if you respect your child, you’re putting him on a level above yours, just try to get closer to him and try to understand what he thinks and feels.

Talk to your child. Look for an opportune moment, sit quietly by your side to talk. Look for a space and a time when you both feel as comfortable as possible. But, above all, the important thing is to have a positive attitude in which you try to understand each other and look for solutions.

Our advice is that you respond patiently to your child’s concerns. This will always be the best way to make your children feel respected, and find you a good role model. Who better than parents to teach their children about this? Who knows if even both end up growing more than they first imagined?

Respect between parents and child. learn to make a difference

One of our tasks as parents is to learn to make a difference through the rules. In this sense,  the most important thing is that you yourself be the first to respect these norms, internalize them, and also teach your children to follow them without causing you to change.

Here are some tips to make a difference in a positive way:

  1. Follow and respect your own standards. 
  2. Be consistent, it is important for the child not to feel disoriented when you point out something. Otherwise, they won’t take it too seriously.
  3. Clearly set the boundaries, and explain why. Watch out! You need to know that kids love to put the limits to the test, this is your way of experimenting. This is not a personal offense. Therefore, by establishing clear boundaries and explaining them, the child may lose interest in exploring that, and consequently avoid conflict.
  4. Recognize when your children do things correctly. This is important to leave a positive mark on them and keep them interested in doing the right thing.

Respect between parents and child. How to say NO?

Sometimes it is very difficult to deny any request to your children, because we think that by attending to them we are looking for their well-being. In fact,   even if you want to see your children happy, it’s better to play your part, and learn to say no when necessary.

mother correcting her daughter

When you are responsible and set limits for your child, you receive the most important message of all: that you love them, that you care about what happens to them, and that you are also capable of knowing the needs and desires they need to meet. Of course, desire is a value, but it is also a meeting point for people with different perceptions.

Respect between parents and child must use discipline yes, severity no

When talking to your child about your behavior – and the reasons that led you to have it – do not yell or turn the conversation into a fight, you will only make him become more and more disrespectful.

Raising your voice doesn’t give you more authority, credibility, or respect, as many parents think. In fact, screaming can only foster fear, disobedience, and that drives children away from you. Always try to speak calmly and take care of your gestures, tone of voice, and what you say, as your children will also respond in the same way.

When your child contradicts you and responds during a conversation, you should do your best to explain that your way of answering is not the most healthy or correct. It must be you, in the role of FATHER, who must make a difference and teach, that there are more respectful ways to say the same, but without being violent, aggressive, or responding.

Although in some cases it is very difficult to put all this into practice, as a parent you should remain calm in the face of the child’s “rebellion”, because if you react in the same aggressive way, it will only make the situation worse.

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