Nobody Raises Good Children By Screaming

Using screams to educate our children will get us nowhere as parents. Below, we list and detail the causes of this claim and how this behavior should be replaced.
no one raises good children screaming

It’s happened to all of us. For some reason, we lose control because of our children’s misbehavior. At this, the first reaction is to yell at them. However, this is not the best option for raising good children; next we’ll see why.

The point is that we are human and imperfect; As a result of these reactions, we often fall into emotional imbalances. Therefore, we make mistakes and even make mistakes as parents.

In some cases, unintended consequences are achieved by anyone. It is possible that the constant screaming is the product of the bad education received by the parents themselves or, in some cases, because that was the way they were raised.

Is it possible to raise good children with screaming?

The answer is no. There are cases where parents have no qualms about yelling at their children. Many do it in public places, regardless of the consequences this may cause for minors.

It is possible that the screams of parents to their children are due to a bad time they had that day. Or perhaps, unfortunately, because it’s the parenting system they routinely put into practice with their children.

There are cases that are also inherited from our parents, since it was the way we were brought up. Our parents acted heavy on us and this is something that has been marked for the rest of our lives. This frustration then transfers to today’s little ones.

Consequences for children who are suppressed with screaming

Currently, professionals indicate that it is not necessary to go to the point of screaming to exercise authority over children. Pedagogues and psychologists agree that in order for a child to behave properly, it is not necessary to humiliate, offend, scream, let alone use violence.

These are the consequences of yelling at the little ones:

  • Get them used to it. There will come a time when the habit will have no effect. Thus, the father will pass from authority to dogmatism.
  • Constant screaming will cause the child to lose his self-esteem. She will not feel loved by her parents; what can be achieved with these old-fashioned methods is for the child to become rebellious and permanently challenge them.
  • Children are usually a reflection of their parents. Aggressive behavior will have an impact on them and they will likely adopt it when they grow up.
  • The child will grow up with a stress of such magnitude that his development will suffer some consequences.

Reasons to stop yelling at our kids

  • So much screaming turns our children deaf. That is, whatever we want to say or convey to them using shouts will be useless. They will not receive the information well and all messages will be automatically discarded.
  • They will never listen to you carefully, much less will they want to learn from your advice. Improvements are only achieved with lessons that are interactive for them.
  • We are the reflection for our children. Their behavior will vary depending on our behavior. If we scream because we’ve lost control, we’re teaching them to deal with anger and anger through aggression.
  • If what we do is exercise self-control, we will certainly help them to act calmly. They will learn to give better answers.
  • Yelling at children will make them feel fear and, later, helpless and angry. We generate this, perhaps unconsciously, by seeking, through screams, for them to obey.
  • This is not the right way to educate. We know that respect is earned by respecting. Obedience is conquered with patience; learning takes time and effort.
  • By raising the voice, we will only be able to push them away. We lost authority, respect and communication. We only gain distance and coolness in relationships.


The logical and true recommendation is that you start thinking about your screaming habit. To raise good children, you need to change your attitude and choose another path ; experiences will show you what is the best and most effective method to raise children.

The healthiest advice for raising good kids is to stop yelling at them. When we are angry about something they are not to blame for, we have to have self-control. We have to eradicate the screams from our way of reacting.

Exercising control to stop screaming is not an easy task. Mastering our emotions; especially the anger and anger at seeing disobedience in our children will be a challenge.

We have to learn to stop when we are screaming. It’s a matter of analyzing ourselves and learning to control ourselves when a process of anger begins. If we propose this, we will certainly succeed. In order to raise good children, it is necessary to exercise good control over ourselves.

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