My Son Sweats A Lot: What’s Going On?

Excessive sweating can cause self-esteem problems in children. Let’s talk about hyperhidrosis and its possible causes.
My child sweats a lot: what's going on?

It is not uncommon to notice on occasions that our child is sweating a lot. Excessive sweating is also known as hyperhidrosis. Although its cause may be an underlying disease, the most normal is that it is primary hyperhidrosis.

This problem is caused by an immaturity in the child’s regulatory systems. So, below, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about children who sweat a lot.

What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. Sweat is a liquid produced by the body that is expelled to the outside through the skin. This liquid is mainly composed of water and mineral salts, but it also contains other substances, such as sugar or urea. It is produced in structures in the human body known as sweat glands.

The main function of sweat is the regulation of body temperature. The body works optimally if it remains stable, around 37°C.

Sweat regulates body temperature in the following way: sweat leaves the skin through structures called pores. Once it is on the skin’s surface, its water content evaporates, cooling the body. The central nervous system is responsible for sending the signals that regulate the amount of sweat and when it is produced.

My son sweats a lot

In addition to regulating body temperature, the  sweat is also responsible for the removal of residual substances. In addition, it also regulates the skin’s pH, which acts as a natural barrier for defense against both germs and bacteria and fungi.

Why does my child sweat a lot?

Although hyperhidrosis can be caused by some underlying pathology, it is more normal that we are facing primary hyperhidrosis. That is,  there is no pathological cause to justify this excessive sweating.

What happens is that,  until 4 or 5 years of age, the child’s sweat regulation system is not yet fully mature. Thus, the sweat glands do not work 100% and the child’s body temperature may rise more sharply. In addition, the amount of sweat that is produced and eliminated is also not fully regulated and, therefore, this excess that we are talking about can occur.

Furthermore,  it is believed that there are also some genetic factors related to this problem. That is, these children may have relatives with excessive sweating problems. Probably, this excess of sweating will accompany them for a lifetime, starting to manifest itself at this stage.

Other causes for a child to sweat a lot

Although, as mentioned, the most common is not finding a specific cause for the excessive production of sweat, sometimes it occurs for several specific reasons. Some of the most common are:

  • Bacteria or virus infections.
  • Disorder or pathology of the central nervous system that regulates sweat production.
  • Hormonal disturbances that cause the message sent by the central nervous system not to be transmitted to the rest of the body as it should.

Undoubtedly,  another reason why a child perspires a lot may be excessive clothing. This happens mainly in babies, as many parents put too much clothing on their children.

How can excessive sweating affect the child?

Excessive sweating in children, as well as in adults, can affect different areas and decrease quality of life. A very important aspect among affected children is self-esteem.

At this age, this type of problem is complicated, because other children do not understand or do not have empathy and this can lead to bullying , which ends up making the child complex.

My son sweats a lot

My child sweats a lot: what can I do?

There are certain steps you can take to help control your child’s excessive sweating. Some of the most important are:

  • Maintain proper hygiene. It is necessary for the child to bathe once a day to remove traces of sweat. If not removed, these residues can become the perfect place for mold and other bacteria to grow. Also, it will cause a bad body odor problem.
  • Wear clean clothes with natural fabrics. Synthetic or tight clothing stimulates the production of sweat. Furthermore, after each use, it is advisable to wash your child’s clothes.
  • Prevent the little one from being overweight. Excess body fat causes more sweat to be produced. This is because fat is a good protector against the cold, so, in excess, it causes the child’s body temperature to rise more quickly, causing excessive sweating.

There are also some specialized treatments based on deodorants, medications and topical treatments. However, they must be prescribed by a specialist.

As for excessive sweating in children, you should know that…

It is a common problem and, in most cases, without a cause to justify it. Although it is not a serious condition, it  is always advisable to look for a specialist. He is the one who will investigate the case to make sure there is no underlying pathology. In addition, he will also give recommendations that will improve the child’s quality of life and establish specific treatment, if deemed necessary.

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