Motherhood With The Second Child, Why Is It So Different?

Motherhood with the second child, why is it so different?

After your first pregnancy you find yourself in the same situation again, except for one big difference, you are no longer a first-time mother. From now on, your new motherhood will be totally different and we will tell you to what extent.

When we are first-time mothers in a world parallel to the reality of motherhood, we idealize everything and put our child in a bubble. We aim to be the perfect mother, luckily there comes a time when we put our feet on the ground, based on a great deal of reality.

That’s when the second child comes, the pursuit of perfection is simply no longer important and we realize how the


from having one child to having two.

Experience is the basis of your second motherhood

Experience is important and here even more so; you’ve already gone through the trial and error phase with your first child and you know what you want, and more importantly, what you don’t want because you’ve learned from your mistakes. Still, this baby is someone else, probably what worked with the first child doesn’t work with the second, but you’ve already come a long way.

Visits, personal and couple space, basic needs and structuring family values ​​are aspects that you already have more or less clarified.

You become a more practical mother

If you can use all of your first child’s clothes, it helps you save money. Your baby will be protected and well sheltered using his brother’s clothes. It’s absurd to go back to spending money on clothes you already have, and that money you save will be very useful because you now have two


, and double the expenses.

Also, you are an expert at optimizing time, now you are able to watch over two children at the same time while doing anything, you can bathe them together or feed them both at the same time; the difference is that it used to be more difficult for you to organize yourself.

How will your child cope with the arrival of a baby brother

The first child, because he is used to being the only one and receiving the affection and attention of his parents, can feel out of place when a sibling appears with whom he must share his whole world. A little brother makes most children jealous.

It is important to involve the older sibling in the tasks involved in the arrival of a baby, well before it is time to give birth, and give him the right amount.

We must value our children in front of family members and visitors, trying to omit


negatives and especially comparisons about similarities, never ever compare them, and even less in front of anyone.

We must keep in mind that until the age of six the child is characterized by being egocentric, this makes him feel the center of the universe. That’s why he constantly repeats “this is mine”. A brother forces her to share, including the most important thing for him, which is his parents’ attention. And we have to give him time to adjust to the new situation.

Fortunately, childhood jealousy tends to evolve favorably over a period of time. It is an emotional state characteristic of the


and in practically every family, children go through a more or less long stage of jealousy, so there is no other way than to go through this stage.

Time goes much faster with your second child

It sounds silly, but it isn’t; his second child is much more awake to the world, he learns faster and it’s because he has a great teacher, his first child. The steps go much faster because you take care of both of them at the same time, and when you notice, you’re already crawling or running down the hall.

So, now more than ever, enjoy and enjoy both! Because your little baby will soon be your big kid’s best adventure companion

And don’t forget that one of the most wonderful things this second motherhood will be bringing you, the experience; this one that allows you to be more relaxed, and


at the most every moment without concentrating so much on the worries.

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