Motherhood Makes You Stronger

Motherhood makes you stronger

Recently, a group of Asian researchers discovered that the cells of the developing baby pass to the mother’s brain and regenerate it.

Being a mother makes you stronger. Do not believe? Keep reading and you’ll find out.

Pregnant women’s brains literally change.


Recent studies demonstrate that the gray matter of pregnant women is reduced in areas related to empathy.

The mother’s neural connections would optimize certain functions, such as interpreting the child’s mental states or anticipating possible threats from the surroundings. Even the unnoticed changes persist up to two years after delivery. 

Why does being a mother make you stronger?

increase your senses

The senses are heightened in order to be able to be more attentive to the children. This appears to be due to the hormone prolactin. The same happens with hearing: mothers usually recognize the


of your baby between different cries.

Visual ability also increases in order to preserve your child from potential harm. Although the most important sense is touch. The parts of the cerebral cortex dedicated to touch change in motherhood.

When a mother touches a baby and he touches her, she receives very subtle but very powerful information about what her baby is like, what it feels like and what your baby is like.


with him. This has an effect on the brain.

Ability to do multiple tasks

Mothers giving birth have to face many new tasks at the same time. To ensure the baby’s survival, the mother has to prioritize tasks, which includes being more efficient in the activities to be developed.

It’s common to be cooking and talking on the phone, enjoying while the baby sleeps to turn on a washing machine, make the beds, cook, sweep, etc… 

Resistance: reduce stress

The hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which tend to secrete during breeding, especially during breastfeeding, help to reduce stress.

The neurons that are in charge of the production of


, are literally restructured during childbirth and breastfeeding.  

cancer protection

Pregnancy and breastfeeding help the mother to reduce the risk of having breast, ovarian, and endometrial cancers.

This could be because pregnancy interrupts menses, which reduces exposure to estrogen and progesterone, hormones that increase the risk of this terrible disease.

you are stronger

Also thanks to the hormone prolactin, which works in the brain as a neurotransmitter, mothers are more courageous.

in mothers


, for example, your blood level is up to eight times higher than usual.

It is as if motherhood were a powerful program of personal affirmation.

Mothers are always willing to fight for their children. This ability to fight may reflect the existence of mothers’ associations against many social injustices.

An Indestructible Connection With Your Child

Since before I was born. A strong bond is established between the mother and the baby that grows inside her.

For nine months you carry it in your womb; from then on, the baby listens to your voice and your heartbeat, and at birth there is such a brutal hormonal synchronization that the baby is able to crawl to the mother’s chest to feed guided by instinct.

The connection is indisputable.

Greater Emotional Intelligence

A woman’s brain has one of its most plastic moments, that is, moments of greater neuronal growth and greater connections between neurons, during motherhood.

Self confidence

From now on you need to be 100% confident in your abilities, so do it.

Parents are the main reference, everything they see in you is what they will learn.

From the limits you apply to them, through eating habits and good customs, such as playing sports or going for a walk, these are all things you will leave them as



Certainly a mother’s mind is not about memorizing or remembering certain details that are superfluous compared to caring for her baby, her brain is too busy. It has a most important goal: to create a human being.

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