Mombie: The Mother Who Dreams Of Sleeping Through The Night

It’s quite possible that this term seems exaggerated to many people, but this is something that happens so much that they even created new terms.
Mombie: the mother who dreams of sleeping through the night

Mombie refers to a very specific “specimen” of a person (it could be a mother or a father). It’s someone who lives with the eternal desire to be able to sleep at some point in the day.

The word “mombie” is in vogue in many places dedicated to motherhood and nurturing.

The reason? It makes reference to a very close and somewhat well-known image: the mother who cannot enjoy a healthy rest.

Of course, however, there are babies and babies. There are those who are more than a gift, a treasure to be adored because they sleep through the night without waking up, without needing the attention of Mom or Dad.

Other children, however, need time and, above all, be taught to sleep.

In any case , this period when the mother can barely rest usually lasts on average between 8 months and a year and a half. Is a long time!

So, before you mutate from “mombie” to “zombie” and lose health and quality of life, it is necessary to adopt one or another strategy to get back to being a person again.

Mombie, when your life changes radically and nobody warns you about it

Being a mom and dad is something fabulous and wonderful that is definitely worth experiencing. However, raising a child is not a task we are prepared for.

Some things arrive suddenly and without anesthesia, for example, seeing how the days go by without being able to get a good night’s rest.

We refer to authentic rest as we had when we were just two or when we only had studies and friends as a concern.

But… what is really a mombie?

Mombie almost always refers to an “offroad” mom.

  • These are women who rest little and, in addition, practice the admirable art of multitasking. That is, they take care of the baby, do the housework and do not fail to fulfill their work responsibilities.
  • A constant characteristic of a mombie is that she is always in an “alert” state. This is responsible for adding an even greater level of physical and mental exhaustion for Mom.
  • She is not only a person who sleeps little and is present at all times, but also anticipates risks, is concerned about minor things without missing anything and is aware of a thousand things at the same time.


How to identify a mombie?

We are aware that many people may find it funny, but only those who live in their own skin understand that a mombie is a person who simply failed to put themselves first.

She stopped living to dedicate herself to this new life. Therefore, it can generally be characterized by the following:

  • Sloppy appearance, hair tousled or pulled back into a ponytail or simple bun.
  • Your main aspiration is to be comfortable. It is common to see her wearing a sweater, baggy clothes, sneakers or slippers and always in a hurry.
  • An unmistakable feature of a mombie is the dark circles. They reflect the result of sleepless nights or sudden awakenings from a desperate scream. A mombie often gets up just to make sure her baby is “breathing,” isn’t getting cold, or is comfortable.
  • Its main food is coffee. For a mombie, fresh coffee is a source of vital energy, as if it were an invocation capable of awakening, giving strength and courage. They take it regularly and often in the company of other mombies.
  • Beware, don’t underestimate the power of a mombie. It may be that their appearance conveys the image of weakness, neglect or tiredness. However, few creatures have greater power and energy camouflaged like a mombie.
  • They are able to react instantly, they know what to do at all times, and they don’t miss a thing. They have super powers.


Tips for caring for a mombie

  • Mombie needs help with everyday life tasks.
  • A mombie is entitled to a few hours of rest with no weight on her conscience.
  • A mombie has the right to get together with other mombies to share experiences, deal with stress, and release tension over coffee.
  • A mombie has the right to take a nap every day with her baby.
  • Nobody has the right to say to a mombie “you have a face, huh…” or “you take care of yourself less and less” . What really helps a mombie is when we say “how can I help her, do you need anything?” .
  • A mombie has the right to complain and protest. She can say “today I can’t take it anymore, I give up” without anyone saying “but all you do is take care of your baby.”

In conclusion, beyond the irony of the term itself, it certainly describes a reality that many mothers and fathers can understand and are certainly living through now.

If this is the case for you, remember that it’s just a matter of time and patience. By the time you know it, your baby will be going to school alone.

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