I’ve Just Become A Mother And I Need Love

Fate finds me today in front of the most important event of my life, in which I feel an inexplicable mixture of feelings and sensations of all kinds.
I just became a mother and I need love

I just became a mother and I need love. Because I appreciate this series of bodily changes that I live with, a kind of armed peace.

I’m not just talking about stretch marks, a belly that reminds me that a few moments ago there was life inside me. I’m not just referring to those extra pounds that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to lose in order to regain my body. These days, with my son in my arms, that’s what matters least.

I can’t get used to all of this, as well as I don’t feel comfortable with the hormonal and emotional tsunami that gripped me from the moment a test came back “positive”. So I want to express some of the fears and insecurities that plague me. In addition, I also want to reveal the needs I keep for myself.

I want to share my full happiness and my desires for this life that is beginning. Explain to you what we have today as a result of the love of the family we formed, what it means and how I feel about this little being with whom on our first night we reached our first agreement: we will change your diapers; it will change our lives.

I just became a mother, embrace my soul

I just became a mother. I have just given birth with pain and effort in the sun of our mornings. Give me your hand and make me feel accompanied by the changes that motherhood brings. Hold me to ease the pain. Comfort my soul with your caresses.

of love

Make me feel loved and respected, taking care of me with patience and dedication in the puerperium. Appreciate the unique work that generates the unique miracle of life in my body and make yourself available to honor it with every gesture. Shelter my heart with facts that speak to me of affection and protection.

I have just become a mother and I need to know that I can count on you forever. Let me know you will be by my side. Without letting go of my hand in good times and bad. Show me that you love me like this woman who has just brought her child into the world. The most beautiful gift you could ever receive.

Explain to me with your actions that you love me just as I am. Despite the scars I carry on my body and which I plan to carry with pride throughout my life, as they are my trophies from the war of life itself. Tell me how beautiful I am, how motherhood makes me feel good. Even when I’m tired and even in a bad mood.

I just became a mother, help me build a bridge of love

I have just become a mother and exchanged nights of rest for days that smell of life. I will never regret this decision, the best decision of my life. But help me lay the foundation for this family. So, let’s build a bridge of love together to solve the little mishaps of daily life.

Take care of me. Bring me some hot infusion on cold candlelit nights. Offer me a cool drink while I feed our son on those unbearably hot afternoons. I just became a mother. I want to feel protected and accompanied on this wonderful path that we undertake to walk together, side by side.

of love

Let me cry all you have to cry on. It doesn’t matter if they are tears of sleep, hunger or extreme happiness. What is the problem of needing to vent for not finding that young woman I was, but a woman with all the letters? a grown woman whose life today includes this small, radiant sun.

Allow me to live immersed among pacifiers, baby bottles and diapers. Because those dishes can wait. The time is today and I don’t want to miss my son’s most precious moment: his childhood.

my maternal self

I want to change the coming and going of the iron for the light dance steps that follow the rhythm of a new life that has just emerged from the depths of my being and will remain inside my heart for my entire life. Let me be devoted to the birth of love at first sight. That pure and unconditional love so unique and special.

Don’t judge me, don’t shirk. Do not minimize or try to end situations by force. I have just become a mother and I simply need understanding and restraint. If you are thinking of giving your opinion, let it be to cast words of comfort and admiration on me that will encourage me to move forward each day.

I have just become a mother and I need you by my side to tell me that you love me for the beauty I shine. So, despite my dark circles, be sure to carefully consider this new light that radiates from my face and illuminates our lives from the moment my maternal Self was born .

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