In Dad’s Arms And Skin: A Wonderful Place To Grow Up

In Dad's Arms and Skin: A Wonderful Place to Grow Up

We know very well that few places are safer, more caring, and more important in a baby’s development than its mother’s arms. But… what about the daddies? Of course, they don’t give birth, and they can’t breastfeed. However, your closeness, your affection, your voice and even your own skin play incredibly powerful roles in the newborn’s life.

Only at the example level. Today, there are hundreds of hospitals that have a wonderful protocol integrated. When a mother gives birth by Caesarean section and is recovering from anesthesia, parents can perform the kangaroo method if they want. With some difficulty, emotion and a little trepidation, they take off their shirt to welcome their baby to their chest.

Few things are as comforting as this image. The newborn regulates its temperature, relieves stress and has that first and necessary contact with those who will also be part of its life. Your father. It is an initiative that should certainly be carried out in all hospitals. The father’s arms, as you might imagine, become a safe, warm, and important place in a baby’s life.

We invite you to delve a little deeper into this subject.

growing in daddy’s arms

Much is said about hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation. We all know, and without a doubt, many of our readers have already felt it. Now, amazingly enough, the father’s brain also experiences its own hormonal and emotional transformation during this process.

Less Testosterone During Creation

This is interesting. According to a study conducted at Northwestern University in Illinois in the United States, testosterone levels are significantly reduced when a man becomes a father.

  • This hormone fulfills its known function during the period of courtship, passion and intimacy in the couple. Its highest peaks are shown especially in the first moment that the seduction starts, when each one must expose their best to conquer the desired person.
  • However, when the couple begins pregnancy and gives birth, the father’s brain no longer needs testosterone. Your only need is to ensure that child’s survival, to give him attention and care for him.

The “maternal” instinct is not only a thing for women but for dads as well.

All of us, for the most part, are born with a natural instinct for attention, care and love for our children. We can spend part of our life thinking it doesn’t work that way.

However, the act of giving birth and feeling that creature in our arms activates in us what is known as the paternity net.

  • In this internal circuit, brain structures such as the amygdala, insula and nucleus accumbens participate.
  • In women it is almost a “primitive” instinct. Men, however, develop this process intensely when they feel the baby’s proximity.
  • In fact, as a work done by the University of Bar-Ilan in Israel indicates, a man’s brain becomes more “maternal” if he is responsible for more functions.

Aspects such as cradling the baby, bottle-feeding, bathing or rocking him in your arms, intensify this instinct.

privileges of growing up in daddy's arms

in the daddies’ shoes

We already know that the “skin to skin” method is equally beneficial if it is the father who has the baby in his/her breast. This exceptional contact is always better than a crib. It will always alleviate more fears than a simple blanket or a caress.

The kangaroo method is not exclusive to mothers because today dads know very well that they are not mere spectators. Raising a child is a team thing. If it is the mother who breastfeeds him, the father may well offer his breast so that the baby can sleep and feel the security of a heart that will always be by his side. He will feel that there will always be someone to defend him from any danger and that he will support him to achieve all his dreams.

So much so that there are many studies that support the need to practice this delicate art of love and care in case babies are premature.

  • Temperature and breathing are regulated.
  • Reduces infections.
  • Promotes neuronal maturation.
  • Increases the quality of the baby’s pillow
  • Offers premature tactile, auditory and movement stimulation
  • Favors weight gain
  • Babies cry less. In addition, it favors the baby’s adaptation to extrauterine life.

warm contact of the daddies' arms

To complete. We know that the importance of the mother in the daily life of a baby is always talked about. In this first stage a child needs only three things: breast milk, affection and routines.

Leaving aside breastfeeding, the father can very well carry out all the tasks and contribute with their hugs, affection and attention to the full development of this new creature.

Let’s all be active protagonists in creating this baby: mothers and fathers!

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