Important Values ​​in The First 5 Years Of Life

Some parents believe that trying to teach their children values ​​when they are very young is impossible and useless. Believing that this doesn’t make sense because of age is a mistake.

The first few years of life define many of a person’s characteristics. Therefore, in this article, we are going to highlight 5 important values ​​that we should teach our children, preferably, in the first 5 years of their lives.

If your child is in this age group, consider some important values ​​you should teach him. The sooner you do this work, the easier it will be for little ones to adopt these values ​​in their lives.

5 Important Values ​​We Should Teach Children


The best way to bring honesty into your child’s life is to always speak the truth.

If your child sees you lying, even if you try to give a coherent explanation, he will certainly be confused and learn that it’s okay to lie. In that case, he will see lies as normal, natural and unimportant.

But also when you realize that your child has lied, avoid overdoing it. Ideally, explain the importance of telling the truth in words that are easy to understand.

If you find yourself in a situation where your child is lying, stop him and say clearly that you know he is lying. Then ask him to tell the truth.

In this way, the child will learn that lying is meaningless and that it is always better to be honest from the start.

Children ages 0-5 really don’t tell lies that cause harm. The problem is that if you let them lie, they will create habits that are difficult to replace in the future.


How many times have you made your child apologize for a bad attitude? How many times have there been consequences for misbehavior?

The second of the important values ​​you must teach your children in the first 5 years of life, without a doubt, is justice.

Teaching your children about justice implies that they learn that each attitude has a consequence. Parents who choose to ignore their children’s misbehavior teach them that nothing happens.

So when the little ones grow up and face the real world, they don’t know how to deal with the rules.


Motivating your child to face new challenges helps her to have determination and self-confidence. The third of the important values ​​you should teach your children in their first 5 years will show them how to face complex situations in life.

The best way to teach them this value is to avoid overrewarding. It’s good that you recognize every advance your child has made and congratulate him on it. What you must control is how you reward him.

If every time your child eats vegetables you feed him a candy, he will no longer see a good diet as a good thing for life. Instead, you will begin to see rewards as your obligation.

So, challenge your little one to improve even more and meet their goals. A good way to achieve this is to encourage him to play sports.


The fourth value you should teach your children is to learn to respect and think about the feelings of others. We live surrounded by people and we simply cannot walk over them.

Your children must understand that their actions and words can hurt or help others. The first step, therefore, may be to explain to them that they said something inappropriate when appropriate.

Understand that they still don’t know how to recognize these situations. Therefore, it is your duty to explain the situation in kind words. Invite them to put themselves in other people’s shoes. What would they think? How would you feel? Would you like to receive the same attitude?

Talk to them honestly and you will see that they will understand and embrace this value in a short time and with minimal effort.


Parents often think that children are loving beings by nature. While it’s true, you should always talk about the last of our important values ​​and explain to them that it must be reciprocated.

Taking a few seconds out of the day to tell your child that you love him will be something completely special and different for him.

When you show your love, your child will learn that this attitude is positive, and he will also learn to show his love for others.

Don’t be afraid to kiss and hug your little one. Certainly, they need it to feel safe and special.

These are the values ​​that should not be neglected in your child’s first years of life. Without a doubt, these all-important values ​​will lay the foundation for good behavior and a happy person.

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