Hyperactivity In Young Children

Hyperactivity in young children is increasingly common. Therefore, it is important to know the subject well, what causes it and what is the treatment. Thus, parents, family members and teachers can help children in the best way: with patience and seeking strategies to teach them to self-control.
Hyperactivity in young children

It is normal for children to have difficulty being quiet at times and want to spend all their energy. However, even for them, there is a limit. When that energy never seems to run out, they may be suffering from ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Even so, hyperactivity in young children can be detected and treated. Therefore, if you are a parent and you are concerned that your children may suffer from this disorder, it is useful to know a little more about the subject to know how to help them.

What is hyperactivity and what causes it?

Hyperactivity in young children is not normal. It is a disorder, diagnosed by doctors, in which children find it difficult to have self-control and to pay attention or maintain concentration, which makes them very restless.

But beware: don’t confuse restlessness with hyperactivity. It is possible to distinguish hyperactivity from its symptoms:

  • They are disorganized children who never find their stuff.
  • For them, listening to others and paying attention is a big problem.
  • They do all the tasks in a hurry, which leads them to make many mistakes.
  • They often yell and interrupt a lot when others are talking or when the teacher speaks.
  • They are impatient, and when they have to wait their turn, they get frustrated and anxious. They also get bored easily.
  • They walk from one side to the other without stopping and trip over everything around them. Even in quiet moments, like when they’re eating, they can’t stop moving.
  • Although they know what is wrong, they try to do it because they feel that this is the only way they will end their boredom.

the hyperactivity

Causes of Hyperactivity in Young Children

Hyperactivity in young children can occur due to several factors. One of them is ADHD. Because of this disorder, the brain takes time to process information. So, once he has started, he can’t stop. That’s why these kids are constantly on the move.

Another reason children can be excessively restless could be some anxiety disorder. The consequence of this is to prevent them from concentrating.

In addition, there are other conditions that make children terribly restless and difficult to concentrate. For example, hearing problems and loss of balance due to ear disorders. Also hyperthyroidism (although it is very rare in children) and sensory process problems.

Detection of hyperactivity in young children

To detect hyperactivity in young children, it is necessary to take them to the doctor.

While it’s true that there are no laboratory tests or X-rays that detect attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, there are symptoms that doctors can pick up on by asking children and parenting answers about their behavior.

After the analysis, the doctor will be able to make the diagnosis. That’s when you can tell if it’s ADHD or some other learning or health problem.

How to treat?

If your child is hyperactive, it’s important that you pay attention to him. Analyze what may be causing your disquiet and create strategies to help calm you down. For example, you can reward him or earn him points every time he remains calm.

If you have already taken your child to the doctor, he or she has certainly prescribed medications that help improve his brain capacity. That way he’ll be able to calm down, concentrate and be much more patient.

You might even consider taking him to therapy. Thanks to the help of a therapist, your child will channel energy, control emotions and feelings. In addition, he will also acquire self-control, which will also teach him to see what is really good and what is not.

In this sense, there is one more thing you can do for your child yourself, which is to carefully explain one thing at a time so that he doesn’t forget what you said. Also, of course, you should support him and give him lots of love.

Detection of hyperactivity in young children

What can teachers do?

At school, teachers can also help. So be sure to mention that your child is hyperactive so they are aware. See what they can do:

  • They can allocate tasks in smaller parts so that the child does not lose concentration.
  • Teach them and help them organize.
  • Have children sit away from doors or windows, which can easily distract them. If possible, have them use the front chairs.
  • Allow children a time during which they can get up and stretch during class.

Hyperactivity in children can be a big problem for parents. However, if you care for your child with love and follow all these suggestions and recommendations from professionals, you can be happy   as a family.

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