How To Make Your Child Eat Soup

No one knows your child as well as you do. And, of course, you already know that food is one of the fundamental pillars for his growth. In this article, see what to do to get your child to eat soup.
What to do to make your child eat soup

Getting your child to eat soup and enjoy the taste of it will benefit both your little one and you. 

First, let’s see why soups have so many benefits. First of all, it’s important to know that the stomach works as a digester. This organ works very fast and hot water helps to digest food efficiently. Soups, in turn, are a hot liquid. So a point for soup!

And we are not the ones saying this. Researchers claim that drinking hot water helps the body’s enzymatic processes so it can better digest the food we eat. Warm water contributes to the digestion and absorption of food, including fatty foods. 

And there’s more: drinking soup is healthy. Its main ingredient is water and, therefore, soups and broths are foods that help maintain adequate hydration. In fact, the cooking method used in its preparation allows the use of all the nutrients without wasting any of them.

By making soup, you can avoid what happens when you boil your vegetables. Because with this method, all the nutrients remain in the cooking water, which is usually discarded, instead of being used to prepare a delicious broth.

eat soup

the soup for life

There are many varieties of soup. Most of them contain very healthy foods that contain a lot of water. For example: bean, rice, chicken, vegetable, angel hair, oat soup, among others. In addition, soup contributes to the habit of eating slowly, eating food slowly.

Searching about the soups, we found the following data . Soups, broths and creams are foods that are part of the traditional cuisine of different cultures. The first references to soup can be found in some engravings from the Paleolithic period in the caves of Les Eyzies Tayac,  France. These images represent a group of people cooking a soup.

Furthermore, it is a common food to be served to guests. Habit that is being lost and that deserves to be rescued in favor of our food.

Soups and health

It was in the house where I grew up that I got into the habit of eating soup every day. When I was little, I didn’t like it very much. But now I love and miss eating every day .  When I’m in bad health or low spirits, my body asks for soup. And this need has a scientific explanation.

Chicken soup, for example, is traditionally considered an excellent home remedy against the flu and cold. This feature is due not only to its invigorating power. Well, studies have shown that this type of soup has anti-inflammatory substances that help improve the symptoms of these diseases.

eat soup

the soups and the children

Now that we know soups are wonderful, the problem is what to do to get the kids to eat soup. And I go back to my opening sentence: no one knows your child as well as you do. So you know what he likes and what he doesn’t like. 

Creams are very attractive to children. They have a more pleasant texture and appearance and the flavor comes from nature. In some creams, it is not necessary to add so much spice. So, if you like it and want your child to have soup, you can blend it in a blender.

This technique also works for clear soups .  For example, the meat, vegetables and spices you add to the soup can be blended in a blender for a thicker appearance. Thus, they will be more similar to the baby food that babies are used to. Your child will definitely want to eat.

The consumption of vegetable creams makes the nutritional goal recommended by the European Union more easily achieved. This goal proposes 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Therefore, it is recommended to include these foods in our usual diet to maintain good hydration, a control of calories consumed and a correct intake of vitamins and minerals.

Another very important fact is that if you want your child to eat soup, it is essential that you also eat it.

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