How To Eliminate Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy involves changes in a woman’s body that can sometimes leave signs, even after giving birth. This is particularly the case with stretch marks. But how to prevent and eliminate them? Today, we will solve all your doubts.
How to eliminate stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks are marks that occur on the surface of the skin. They often manifest in those areas where fat usually accumulates, such  as the belly, buttocks, breasts, or thighs. They are always a concern for expectant mothers, who wonder how to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy.

The appearance of stretch marks is frequent during pregnancy. In fact, most mothers suffer during their first pregnancy, which is explained by the intense stretching of the skin and hormonal changes.

In general,  stretch marks during pregnancy can appear in the second trimester, but are much more frequent later in pregnancy.

You must know that they are similar to scars. That way, it’s impossible to make them disappear completely! At best, you can reduce the color and size so they’re as little noticeable as possible.

7 tips to eliminate stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention is the fundamental weapon against the appearance of stretch marks. In general, the skin must be treated very carefully to maintain its flexibility.

This should be done especially during pregnancy  as it is the time most prone to hormonal changes and weight gain. In addition, we recommend that you follow the following tips to eliminate stretch marks during pregnancy:

1. Moisturize your skin every day

The first tip is to  use creams or oils that provide elasticity and hydration. You should apply them regularly all over your body and especially in areas where there are stretch marks. We advise you to do this from the first months of pregnancy and even later, during breastfeeding.

The most suitable creams are those fortified with vegetable oils. Also, the use of oils such as sweet almond oil, jojoba, shea butter, avocado, wheat germ and olive oil is recommended.

stretch marks on the side of the belly

2. Pay attention to your weight

The greater the weight, the more easily the streaks are formed. If the skin is under tension, the more elastic fibers that make it up can break down, especially in areas that swell during the months of pregnancy.

Examples of this could be the stomach, hips or chest area.

3. Drink lots of water

If you want to eliminate stretch marks during pregnancy, it  is essential to maintain your body’s overall hydration. For mothers-to-be who want to have flexible skin, the ideal is to drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day.

Of course,  you can also take vegetable infusions or juices. Avoid, however, tea and coffee, as well as very sweet drinks. Fruit juices can be interesting for your vitamin intake, although you should limit them as they contain a lot of sugar.

4. Eat healthy

By the way,  there are no anti-stretch marks foods. However, some can help provide the vitamins needed to preserve the skin’s youth and elasticity.

This is the case of foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, which can be found in fruits and vegetables, such as kiwi, lettuce, pepper, orange, lemon, grapefruit, melon, pineapple, tomatoes, pulses, vegetable oils and animal proteins.

5. Move around

Physical activity must be done with the approval of your gynecologist or specialist. In addition to the usual virtues of sport, you should know that physical activity also helps fight stretch marks, as it tones your muscles and provides good support for your skin.

6. Make a gentle exfoliation

The first step to fight and prevent stretch marks is exfoliation. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the shower gel with a mild exfoliant. Exfoliation allows for cell regeneration, helping to strengthen the skin.

streak in the belly

7. Avoid sun exposure

In general, it  is best to limit sun exposure during pregnancy. If you have stretch marks, don’t expose them to the sun as they can become even more visible.

If you want to eliminate stretch marks during pregnancy, we  recommend that you be patient and, above all, always be prepared to face and accept the changes  that the body can undergo.

Don’t forget that perseverance is essential when it comes to getting good results. It will not be enough to apply these treatments to your skin just once. Know however, that the most important thing is to prevent its appearance.

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