How Much Does The Baby Change In A Month?

He will start to develop skills, distinguish voices and even smile. During this time, the baby’s senses, brain and body will develop.
How much does the baby change in a month?

It’s amazing how much a baby can change in a month after birth. It is only from this moment that parents start to notice different changes in the little one.

Each baby is different as it grows and acquires skills, there’s nothing to worry about. If we notice that our baby takes longer to learn some things or that he doesn’t move as much as other babies, then there’s no need to worry.

This is normal. It is very important to be very patient and not pressurize the little one, as he must learn in his own way and at his pace.

Our little one is, little by little, developing his abilities. Therefore, stimulation is recommended to enhance those skills that are difficult to learn.

Most parents observe their children’s responses, which are often movements and reflexes to surrounding stimuli.

As the central nervous system matures, such reflexes open the way to more complex responses. This happens with intensity during the first months of life.

What can the baby do in the first month of life?

Among the main skills that the little one develops in its first month, are the following:

  • Recognize your parents’ voice. It is highly recommended that parents talk to the baby a lot so that he can react to all of this.
  • Identify the smell of Mom or Dad’s skin along with it. At this stage, the baby can tell who is beside him by smell. It is quite common for him to be able to recognize Mom very quickly, as she is the one who is always by his side.
  • Move your mouth. The baby moves its mouth especially when it notices the presence of parents around.

In a month

  • Raise your head slightly. When the baby is lying on his stomach, he can do this movement. Little by little, you will be able to hold your head up if you can practice this exercise.
  • Watch something ahead and smile. It is possible to stimulate with objects such as mobiles or images. The baby is born with fixed vision at a focal length of 20 to 25 centimeters, take the opportunity to perform this activity according to the stimulation he needs, it’s very good.
  • Raise your head approximately 45 degrees if you are on your stomach. Parents can encourage or encourage with a toy near the child’s head to get their attention.
  • Spontaneously smile. During this period, it will be possible to see the baby smile at every opportunity. It’s inevitable that parents make you smile.
  • Keep your head steady while in an upright position. To encourage balance, a mother or father can hold the baby on their knees. In this way, the little one’s legs are being stimulated to be able to support the body’s weight for a while.
  • Join hands. It is good that parents start to help the little ones with hand movements. Taking babies’ little hands and teaching them how to move them can be very helpful, even if it doesn’t seem like it.

The baby’s motor development during the first month

In a month

At this stage, the baby can do different things, many of which we may not be aware of. For example, the recognition of parents’ voices or some smells is a difficult thing to notice.

Babies can bend their arms with their hands closed or open. However, they still lack muscle tone. This means that they are not able to control their head movements. Despite this, they manage to move it whenever they want.

They can adapt to the posture of the person they are on their lap. It is quite common for them to make some gestures unintentionally, even if they are quite sensitive to changes in position.

They are sensitive to bright light. This can be seen when there is a light in front of you: babies close their eyes and squint.

In addition, they notice reflexes such as pressure when they hold someone’s finger, or like suction when they bring something close to their mouth.

Another identifiable reflex in the first month is the one known as Babinski, which is when the baby stretches his fingers and arms out to the sides and then brings them back to his chest.

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