How Can Someone So Small Make Us Feel So Big?

How can someone so small make us feel something so big?

Even when you still couldn’t see or touch him, you already loved him, adored him, and even dreamed of him. Even before saying the first word, when he just ate and slept, he was already the most beautiful and perfect being in the world. How is someone so small and so fragile able to make you feel something so big?

This is certainly one of the big questions that has no explanation, not in books, or in more advanced theories about creation. We love children it doesn’t matter if they didn’t grow in our womb and if they don’t carry our genetic code. We love children because they are part of us, they are children of the heart and that is something a mother and father understand very well.

On the other hand, it is impossible to forget that all this festival of sensations, dreams and constant concerns about this perfect little creature is the result of a series of biological processes regulated by oxytocin, the so-called hormone of motherhood, affection and the need to take care of the most small.

However, when we talk about this undying love the biological explanations are meaningless. There are no excuses, interpretations or defects. Loving your children is as natural as breathing. They are part of us, they are half of our heart. Love is the umbilical cord that will always unite us to that child that is our universe, or the planet we will always respectfully orbit.

To feel this being so small and a new life in our arms

In most places that deal with motherhood, this magical, solid, and essential side of the relationship between newborn and parent is often overlooked. Also, we sometimes forget that having children is also a thing of two. Parents who can feel this new life together will find it an unforgettable and, at the same time, transcendent feeling.

so small and us bringing so much joy

What we feel is also the result of a story

Having a child is the result of a process that identifies and defines us. When a woman is in a delivery room, she is undoubtedly experiencing the most special moment of her life. However, the whole story behind it is part of the unique legacy that defines the father, mother, and later the child himself.

  • It is quite possible, for example, that the couple has had difficulties in becoming parents. What they feel when the baby arrives is very intense, overwhelming and meaningful.
  • On the other hand, we must not forget that many “rainbow” babies are born every day. In the personal history of these parents comes a star child who will light the way and will always be remembered. It makes parents feel birth in a different, more intense way.
  • Another case of history that often defines some parents is the arrival of a premature baby. The emotions, the fears, the suffering inscribed in this little creature who fights for his life, makes them have very complex sensations, where fear and hope have the same weight in their hearts.

So small and I already felt your light inside me

so small but so much loved

The baby’s movement, so small, is usually noticed between the seventh and eighth week of pregnancy. However, more sensitive mothers are able to identify embryo movement much earlier. When that happens, something in the mother lights up, lights up, wakes up…

This is the moment when a mother is fully aware that a life is already there. Almost without knowing how, suddenly an intense, infinite and immeasurable love takes hold of us without our being able to control it.

We just let ourselves go. As the months go by, we hope to feel this feeling even more, we dream about your little face, your voice and imagine with our partner what your laughter will sound like, or who it will look like.

Parents who choose adoption as a solution to their desires also dream of this child who, despite everything, does not share the same genetic code. Even so, they experience the process the same way: they dream, imagine, and plan with the same intensity and transcendence.

so small and so desired

Once we have that special someone with us, we can hug them tightly and make them our own. Feel your essence, the strength of your heart, the warmth of your skin and the need to be close to us. Now Mom and Dad have the most important work of their lives ahead of them.

To feel is to live, to feel is to experience the happiness that in turn grows as we share moments day after day: affections, dreams… finally, when we walk together in harmony with this little life.

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