Homemade Plasticine For Kids

Homemade play dough for kids

Plasticine, or plasticine, can be a great element to develop different skills in your child. It can help improve motor skills and creativity.

Our children must face new challenges every day that will help them to grow up healthy. And that’s why

we, fathers and mothers, must provide the necessary tools for them to develop all their physical and mental skills.

Luckily, many of these elements are discovered when playing with different objects, one of them being the modeling clay.

Its smooth texture and wide variety of colors and aromas are characteristics that children love, because

they feel able to create with greater freedom what their imagination asks for.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that most schools include it in the list of school supplies.

And it’s not just because of the fun, but also because

strengthens accuracy every time your child tries to model a figure.

This skill is known as fine motor skills and, in this particular case, it depends directly on the coordinated work of the bones, muscles, and nerves in your hands.

The development of fine motor skills is important for children to learn to be precise.

A child who has had the opportunity to spend several hours playing with plasticine

you are more likely to learn to read and write faster.

This will be noticed once you finish initial education and start primary education, at which point you should already be agile with your hands and fingers to begin other challenges.

Recipe for making modeling clay at home

Homemade play dough for kids

if mom and dad

want to take advantage of all the advantages of plasticin,

we bring this amazing recipe for you to always have at home:

What will it take:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 2 spoons of oil
  • ½ spoon of salt
  • 2 spoons of cream of tartar
  • Vegetable dyes (in liquid or gel)


In a medium-sized saucepan, mix the water, the cream of tartar, the oil, the flour, and turn on a low heat so that it does not burn. stir constantly

until it starts to come loose from the walls and form a ball.

After that remove the ball and wait for it to cool down. Afterwards, knead it for two minutes,

take a small portion and add the coloring to each piece.

Be very careful because the idea is that the color stays on the clay and not on the table.

Keep kneading until it gets a uniform color and it’s ready! Play with your little one,

Get involved in this all-important step and let your imagination soar as high as your dreams.

When finished, store it in plastic containers or cooler bags for the next adventure.

Homemade plasticine can be used again if it is kept well

Make your child participate in this fun activity, regardless of age. For example,

if she is already 6 or 7 years old, you can ask her to give her the materials with the exact measurements,

to start relating to mathematics; but if he is smaller, just ask him to bring the ingredients.

growing up in a world of color

Homemade play dough for kids

Who has never felt butterflies in your stomach every time you see the love of your life


? Without a doubt, all of us fathers and mothers have had this feeling at some point. Well, while they play

 with the modeling clay, don’t worry about the mess, or because they’ll get something dirty.

Let’s show you some benefits this material has for them:  

  • Helps children stay relaxed and overcome stress
  • Increases attention span and concentration
  • Boosts the little ones in the house to achieve goals
  • Increase your self-esteem by achieving your goals
  • If plasticin is made at home, it is known that it is not in contact with toxic products that affect your health; especially if they are curious enough to taste it.

This activity must always be supervised by an adult, and is recommended for children over two years old.

It never hurts to sit down with them and help them create pictures, and show them everything they can do themselves.

Allow your kids to build their own world out of their fantasies.

Teach them to grow up free without limiting their imagination, and letting them discover their life. Enjoy with them these moments of happiness and live with them this very magical stage.

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