Help Your Child Off The Diaper In 3 Days

Help your child off the diaper in 3 days

Helping the baby to get out of diapers becomes one of the main challenges for mothers. This situation does not go out of style and it is inevitable because until now we do not have a right method to achieve this. It is a task that requires a lot of patience, determination and above all a lot of love.

But there’s something we want to tell you: helping you get out of the diaper can be easier and faster than you think if you take the experts’ advice into account. Some tricks have worked for one mother or another so they are willing to share them to help with this difficult task.

Is it possible to teach our children to leave the diaper in just three days?

If we consider that the child took little time to get used to diapers, then perhaps leaving them would have the same fate. But, on the other hand, it’s important to recognize that we’ve made a habit of it ourselves and that in these cases the child doesn’t know any other way to survive.

Both in the experience of mothers and experts, it is possible to teach their children to leave the diaper in a few days. This statement is based on the application of targeted techniques that concentrate the cognitive elements that prevail at this stage.

The method is quite quick, but it does not fully guarantee that the child will also learn to go to the bathroom alone. In the process of leaving the diaper she will do her needs, but out of place. It is worth noting that it is a step-by-step process that requires all the family’s interest and dedication.

Remember that going to the bathroom is not as simple as wearing a diaper. This new step requires skills that involve more independence than they have. Entering the bathroom on your own, undressing, sitting down and all of the following actions require several months’ practice, but will be achieved precisely.

three days to leave the diaper


Although this method is effective, it is not foolproof and suitable for any family as it consists of having the child naked from the waist down. While we can get the child to learn the basics of leaving the diaper in just three days, we are just beginning a process that must be continuous and permanent for it to be really effective.

These tips are helpful to help you succeed in this task:

  • Get ready to dedicate to this work in the next three days. Remember to focus on this purpose and make sure you have time for it.
  • It is important to eliminate the stress this can cause because as we know positive stimuli are more effective. Funny moments, jokes, awards, dancing and laughter.
  • Experts recommend that there is no place for retreat once we make this decision. For learning to take effect, it is very important that we can follow an ongoing process in which the whole family is involved.
  • Do everything possible to eliminate fears. After all, it is normal that the child does not understand what he is facing or how to act in these cases.

The first day

  • The child must be without diapers and pants all day. To do this, you must be vigilant to begin to identify when she feels the need to urinate or defecate. At first she will do it anywhere, so we have to be ready to take her to the bathroom.
  • Part of the training involves having the whole family drink plenty of fluids so that they have to go to the toilet continuously. In the case of the father and mother, they can take the child to the bathroom with them when they have any need.
  • Celebrate small achievements and don’t squelch it when it doesn’t show progress, but encourage it to improve. One way is to ask them to help you clean up the mess if you do it in the wrong place.
  • Ask her to go to the bathroom before bed and put on her diaper.

the second day

The same routine as the first day should be repeated, with the variation that we plan a family outing. You must give the child advance notice of the trip and you must make sure that he or she goes to the bathroom right before leaving. For greater benefit this can be repeated by the family.

The goal is for her to bear not urinating until she gets home. In that case, the child should not wear diapers or underwear, just baggy pants to be comfortable enough. Don’t forget to bring a change of clothes in case there is any “accident”.

the third day

On the third, repeat the routine of day one and day two. This time we vary the number of departures and we will do two tours. The intention is for the child to be able to relate leaving with the need to use the bathroom, pee before leaving and wait until it is time to return.

This time, it is recommended that you take the potty. If you’re lucky, you can use it outside. It is not advisable to go out by car, too far from home or for a long time as it should be a learning trip, without pressure.

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