Healthy Sleep Habits: 0-3 Months

Healthy sleep habits: 0 to 3 months

Your child’s well-being is not just about protecting him from harm, breastfeeding him, taking care of him… it’s also about creating healthy sleep habits that guarantee him a good rest

The healthy sleeping habits in a baby 0-3 months are these customs that will instill in your newborn, to ensure your rest and recovery. They imply not only the hours the baby needs to sleep, but also the habits before and during sleep, from birth you create them.

the baby’s sleeping hours

Although a baby usually sleeps more than 15 hours a day,  their sleep is disorganized and divided over an entire day into periods ranging from half an hour to four hours.

There are babies who confuse the night with the day, because they sleep in the morning and spend the night, awake. However, over the weeks they begin to increase their sleep cycle during the day and reduce it at night.

There is a belief that you should make your baby very tired so he can sleep better.

However, for the first few weeks this will not be necessary because they will pretty much follow the same patterns they had when they were in the womb. Over the weeks, if necessary, increase activity during the day so that you sleep much longer.

Even if a baby aged 0 to 3 months is unable to learn the routines, it is important that mothers start from this stage in order to get used to and educate their sleep.

Healthy sleep habits: 0 to 3 months

To help your 0-3 month old baby sleep better in Souma Mãe we suggest some healthy sleep habits for you to apply.

Establish a bedtime routine

At night, dress him in a specific outfit, sing the same song, turn off the light and say “good night”. The baby will not understand your words, but will progressively associate the phrase with bedtime.

During the day you can put him to listen to music, lay him on the bed in a room with open windows and say “it’s time for bed”.

Never change your sleep schedule

You should sleep the baby at the same times as usual even if you are not sleepy. If it’s time to go to bed you should do the routines set for that time.

Put it to sleep always in the same place

If you want, during the day put it on a bassinet and at night in a bigger crib, never break this rule. It is important for the baby to differentiate between day and night sleep.


Never lay the baby in your bed

There are many dangers a baby can be exposed to by sleeping with his parents. The fact of lying between the two of them every night can also damage the parents’ love relationship.

Avoid making him sleep in your arms

While it is extremely pleasant to hold a child during sleep, it is an unhealthy habit.

Lay the baby down in the crib, sing and pat it gently, but leave the room before it’s completely asleep. Teach him to sleep through the night.

Don’t wait until the baby is so tired to sleep

A very sleepy and tired baby can get upset and cry uncontrollably. This will prevent him from being able to sleep and will negatively influence his rest

differentiate day from night

During the day, put it in a different crib and room and keep the environment a little light. Do not prevent him from listening to morning noises that are typical of everyday life.

At night, do everything backwards. Don’t turn on the lights or make any noise. Speak little to him, don’t smile at him, or encourage him so much.

Remember that there are things you only learn when you are a mother. Finding and establishing your baby’s healthy sleep habits is one of them.

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