Don’t Leave The House Without Saying Goodbye To Your Child

Never do this thinking it will be best for your child. You don’t know how wrong you can be.
Don't leave home without saying goodbye to your child

Never leave home without saying goodbye to your child. Are you aware of the consequences this wrong decision can bring?

Without a doubt, leaving home is one of the most difficult times you will have to face every day. It doesn’t matter if you go shopping, go to the gym, study, work or attend a meeting.

However, one of the grossest mistakes that mothers – and fathers – can make is not saying goodbye. This marks the child, not only at that moment, but in the long term. It produces a deeper emotional wound than you can imagine.

So be strong and do your best for both of you every time you need to leave the house. Say goodbye to the child, no matter how difficult this moment is.

It also doesn’t matter how much the little one will cry. The only difference is that you see the little one when you leave the house, because the child will cry as much, or maybe more, if you don’t say goodbye.

The importance of saying goodbye to your child

say goodbye

When you leave the house without saying goodbye to your child, unfortunately you don’t avoid his pain. And it doesn’t stop the tears either.

Even when you go out and don’t see what’s happening to your little one anymore, you still feel like the pain is yours too. That’s why your heart hurts twice as much. As you can see, this is a difficult step to take.

On the other hand, you must consider another detail of great importance. When the little one knows that you are going to leave, the crying is of sadness.

On the other hand, when he doesn’t understand what happened (why you left without saying goodbye), he cries with despair and anguish. Certainly two sensations that are more difficult to manage and alleviate.

Another reason you should say goodbye to your child has to do with gaining the little one’s trust.

If you suddenly disappear without any explanation, it will create a feeling of distrust.  The child may think you are a person they cannot trust.

Forget about distraction technique and magic tricks. Experts insist that these methods are harmful. Undoubtedly, this technique generates a great sense of confusion in children.

As a result, they will start bombarding people around them with questions, not being able to know for sure whether Mom will come back or not.

Remember that for children, separation from the mother is no small concern. You are their world, their favorite person, the everything. Don’t belittle the children’s concerns because that way you don’t do more than traumatize their minds.

How to say goodbye to your child in the best way?

say goodbye

Approach the child and give him a kiss and a hug.  Keeping a carefree smile, explain that Mom is going out for a moment and reinforce the child’s sense of security by saying you’ll be back.

The truth is, you won’t be able to keep the little one from crying. It is normal and it is to be expected that the child will show his feelings.

Of course, this farewell ritual should be smooth and needn’t last long. Wish your child a wonderful day and tell him to play a lot.

Let go of the “I’ll miss you” – which the two of you will certainly miss – and any kind of regrets that only make this moment more difficult.

If the child misbehaves at this time, don’t go back because each time you do it will be worse in the future. Just be calm and say you’ll call during the day.

Of course, if you make that promise, you shouldn’t break it for anything in this world. Call as soon as you have a little free time and let your child know you love him.

In this way, you will not prevent the little one from feeling homesick, but you will make them feel safe, peaceful and serene.

With this simple farewell ritual, the child will begin to assimilate these moments as something fleeting. And it’s going to tie in with the fact that you’ll be back in a few hours.

Do this in the best way for you. Reduce your child’s suffering and despair. Reduce your anguish by knowing you are doing the right thing.

So, you leave the house with a clear head, since you didn’t have to resort to strategies to deceive your child.

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