Don’t Despise A Baby When It Cries, Check What Happens

There are people who still believe that it’s good to let babies cry from time to time so they don’t get used to being attended to immediately by the mother.
Don't despise a baby when she cries, check what happens

The truth is, babies need the care and attachment of their mothers and fathers to feel safe and secure, both physically and emotionally.

A baby spent 9 months in its mother’s womb and, upon reaching the world,  needs her constant protection to have a good physical and emotional development.

The task of motherhood can be exhausting. But when you realize that a baby needs you all the time, you realize you’re wonderful too.

Letting a baby cry just to ‘learn to calm down’ will not make him feel more abandoned and accept that his cry will not be answered . In fact, it creates a feeling that you cannot trust your primary caregivers.

A baby (and a young child) does not know how to calm down on their own, that is, they do not have the ability to self-regulate their most intense emotions.

Therefore, you need constant physical contact with your parents. You need to feel the warmth and love of your parents so you can calm down and know that everything is fine. That you are well protected, safe, and that you can trust the people who gave you life.

what happens when a baby cries

when you cry

When a baby cries, it is because he is hungry, sleepy, irritable, something hurts, needs the love of his parents, etc. But when you cry, you always cry for a reason.

A baby doesn’t cry so you get used to having him in your arms. He cries because he needs you, because you have to meet his needs since he has no other way to communicate. Your crying is the only way of communication so you can be attended to.

When a mother worries about knowing what happens to her baby and takes care of her, the baby will stop crying because her needs were met and, in addition, she felt that she could trust her surroundings.

Motherhood is fragile and sensitive. Therefore, it is necessary to understand it as a basic need for the development of babies from the moment they are born until they are in your arms. 

The silence of babies who are not cared for

There is a moving story for anyone with empathy that will make you think about what babies need.

It is the story of a missionary who visited an orphanage in Uganda. He entered a room where he saw that there were about 100 cribs with babies. But something caught his attention: no baby cried.

The room with more than 100 cribs with babies was completely silent. How can this be possible? The missionary did not understand this strange silence.

But a worker at that orphanage told him that after the babies spend a week in the orphanage and crying day and night, they suddenly stop crying when they realize that no one is taking care of them. 

In short, they discover that they will not be served, they feel abandoned, they know that no one will serve them… and that they are alone. 

This inattention and abandonment with babies leave sequels to their identity. They stop being babies and somehow feel they have to stop crying because they can’t trust anyone.

This is horrible for the emotional development of babies, so no adult should let a baby cry. Basically, because they need to be attended to, always.

when you cry

crying is communication

When your baby cries, it’s not meant to piss you off. Crying is just a way to communicate with you at any time of day.

You may be exhausted and lack strength, but your baby needs your unconditional love and this is critical to his development and to maintaining your emotional bond. Your baby needs to know that you are by his side, that he is not alone, that abandonment does not exist for him.

Babies need their parents to commit to taking care of them, meeting their needs, giving them their unconditional love and letting them know they are there for them at all times.

They need their parents to promise them that they won’t leave them alone, that they won’t let them cry, and that they will understand that crying is just a way of communicating with them.

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