Coffee And Children: What Should We Know And Avoid?

The consumption of caffeine by children can provoke unexpected reactions in their bodies and their health can be threatened.
Coffee and children: what should we know and avoid?

There are many people who say that  coffee and children are not a good combination. Caffeine tends to activate the central nervous system and this effect is doubled in children.

Is it wise to prevent children from drinking coffee?

Many parents would never give their children coffee, as they believe it is bad for their health. When we take it in reduced doses, we feel more energetic. Too much coffee can cause a lot of problems, especially in children. In addition, you must remember that each body reacts differently to this stimulant.

boy drinking coffee

Negative effects of coffee on children

1. Restlessness, nervousness and anxiety.

2. Stomach pains.

3. Headaches.

4. Difficulty concentrating.

5. Difficulty sleeping.

6. Fast heart rate.

7. Increased blood pressure.

These symptoms are not present in all children,  some only present two or three, while others manifest all. Sometimes these signs are not apparent. In these cases, it is worse because the child’s body changes, but adults are not aware of it.

Caffeinated beverages pose potential risks to the child’s health

Sometimes, children do not drink coffee, but drink soft drinks or caffeinated drinks, thus obtaining the same results. Children who consume a lot of soft drinks tend to become obese and possibly get diabetes. Some develop other problems, such as difficulty falling asleep or bad behavior. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of the children in the house.

Bone decalcification

Although caffeine is harmful for children of all ages, this situation is worse when they are between three and eight years old, since at that age the bones are in full formation and  drinking coffee can prevent your body from absorbing calcium they need it. Calcium is also important for teeth to grow strong and healthy.

Possible cavities

Caffeine and sugar can cause cavities in children. In this way, the dentition can be severely damaged. In the case of soft drinks, each can contains approximately five scoops of sugar, which is equivalent to one hundred and fifty calories.


Caffeine helps the body lose large amounts of water. This way, it is easier for the child to become dehydrated. So far, it is not known exactly what is the amount of caffeine needed for the child to lose fluids, but what is known is that this happens and that it harms the child.

Increased body temperature

Many children tend to consume soda on very hot days. This can lead to withdrawal symptoms, muscle aches, moodiness and irritability. On very hot days, we tend to feel like drinking any cold beverage, so you should always check that beverages do not contain caffeine.

nervous disorders

Children are in the process of growing up. Therefore,  when they ingest something with caffeine, the nervous system changes, which  can even cause heart problems.

Therefore, coffee and children are not a good combination, as caffeine is capable of halting growth. In the past, scientists knew that this substance was harmful to the body, but they didn’t know why or how serious it was. Thanks to technological advances, it has been discovered that  the damage is high and that it can be severe and irreversible. 

girl drinking coffee happy

maintain good health

Although there are a lot of caffeinated beverages, it is possible to avoid them. It is important that the child is always healthy. Although a cup of coffee does not cause serious complications,  the ideal is to avoid the consumption of this food, as it can be harmful in the long term. Therefore, it is preferable to drink soft drinks that contain sugar, but in small amounts.

Parents are responsible for keeping their children’s health balanced. Although some soft drinks are very attractive to them, it is essential that parents offer other alternatives. Natural juices and homemade smoothies are excellent options.

As children’s nervous system is weaker than adults’, some nutritionists recommend that children avoid coffee consumption from an early age, as this can have consequences that will appear throughout their lives.

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