Children’s Sleep Schedules

Children's sleep schedules

Establishing sleep schedules for children is essential for the good development of the little ones. From the moment they are born until they reach youth, bedtime almost always turns into a pitched battle. Children need much more rest than adults, but they often want to stay awake as much as possible.

Excuses to spend a little longer watching television or playing games often end in tears. They don’t understand that, just like for parents, lack of sleep can cause serious problems.

This is because children are more active than adults. Their energy is practically inexhaustible, but at the same time they are in the process of transformation. They need to be rested because they are absorbing information every day.

How Sleep Schedules Affect Children

Lack of sleep can cause several problems. Some of them can result in illnesses and pathologies that, in the case of children, can be dangerous.

Physical problems

Not sleeping properly can lead to exacerbated tiredness. This prevents children from being able to carry out their daily activities normally. Exhaustion can also cause joint and muscle problems, headaches, and stomach upset.

Emotional problems

Disorders such as depression and anxiety are just some of the most common. Tiredness generates irritability, bad mood, sadness and apathy. It influences the character and behavior of the child, who can even isolate himself from others.

The importance of sleep schedule for children

cognitive problems

Lack of rest prevents the child from concentrating and paying attention. A change in a child’s sleep schedule can be catastrophic to their performance. This, in turn, has repercussions on the social and emotional levels: she will make progress more slowly than her peers, which can lead to frustration and low self-esteem.

Not feeling well rested also prevents creativity from dawning in children. Good ideas always arise in clear, awake minds.

Bedtime Advice

There are a number of tips for keeping children’s sleep schedules. They are simple but effective, and provide time for both children and adults to rest. Parents who try to help their children in this matter often end up succumbing to the same problems.

The stress of work, family obligations and personal life are combined with concern for children. Learning to relax is, for both the little ones and us, something that should be mandatory.

Put on some relaxing music

A good way to put your kids to sleep is to play relaxing music. Listening to classical music or music specialized in meditation is always a good option. Try not to set the volume too high, prefer ambient sound. In addition to promoting sleep, it will create a very pleasant atmosphere indoors.

give hot bath

One hour before bed, try to give your child a hot bath. His body will relax and he will feel more rested. By the time you change into your pajamas and go to bed, it won’t take your child long to fall asleep. You can also use this trick when you need to distract yourself from everyday problems.

Warm milk, the best tranquilizer

This trick, which is hundreds of years old, was already used as a remedy for illnesses such as a cold or sore throat. It is currently recommended by health professionals, who do not doubt the benefits of milk.

In addition to being delicious, it cures throat irritation, is very healthy and helps to improve the intestinal system. If your child is lactose intolerant, don’t worry: lactose-free milk has the same effect.

The importance of sleep schedule for children

Try to get kids away from technology at this time

These days it’s hard, but it’s possible. Try to ensure that children are not connected to tablets, computers and cell phones in the hours before bedtime. It’s very difficult for the brain to disconnect when it’s exposed to too many stimuli.

The best thing in these cases is to establish reading habits. Its effect is a thousand times better than that of computers and other electronic devices. Books are ideal for helping to establish correct sleep schedules for children.

Use relaxation methods in play

If you notice that your children have serious sleep problems, you can try relaxation techniques with them. Often these methods are focused on getting children to find a place in their mind that makes them feel good.

Once there, they can imagine having fun and exploring what their brain desires. Little by little they will fall asleep without realizing it.

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