Children’s Mouths: Causes And Treatment

The mouthpieces technically called angular cheilitis are caused by pathogens. In most cases, they are not serious and can be easily cured.
Mouth mouths in children: causes and treatment

Mouthwashes in children are very common. This infection is produced by a fungus or bacteria and causes pain and discomfort in children, especially when opening their mouths and consuming food. For this reason, they must be treated in time to avoid suffering.

How do you know if your child has mouths?

You can tell if it’s a mouthwash if you notice inflammation and redness at the junction of the lips, scabs, or small cracks. As a result, a specific odor is produced when opening the mouth. In babies, crying is always the first sign; in the case of older children, it is possible that they express their discomfort or pain by telling what is happening.

Mouthcaps tend to be very painful and irritating, so children often itch, as well as moisten the area a bit. This makes the wounds even worse.

The causes of children’s mouths

It is useful to determine the causes of cheilitis or mouth in your child. That way you can look for the indicated treatment. The most frequent are:

the saliva

The accumulation of saliva at the junction of the lips allows the proliferation of bacteria, especially streptococcus and staphylococcus. It also produces a fungus known as candida. Therefore, it can be contagious on physical contact with other people.

If the baby is in the teething stage, it is prone to cheilitis. The reason is that it produces excessive salivation and constant drooling.

vitamin deficiency

Some children are deficient in vitamins A, B, D, folic acid, iron and zinc or are anemic due to poor diet. They are more likely to suffer from mouth openings. Another common cause is allergic reactions to food or cosmetic products.

pacifier use

In the case of babies, the use of a pacifier and a bottle can cause saliva to accumulate at the junction of the lips. 

Mouth mouths in children: causes and treatment

other causes

  • Use teethers or suck your fingers.
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures, freezing cold or being exposed to the sun for a long time.
  • Use of dental prosthesis that does not fit well.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Dehydration.
  • Digestive problems.

In addition, if you are of school age, the stress caused by tests or activities in class can generate mouths. Even so, it may be due to a virus that the child is incubating, such as the flu, or due to fever.

How to treat angular cheilitis in your child?

A very important aspect for you to consider is knowing what is causing your child’s mouths.

Also, depending on how it is affecting your child, it is advisable to see a doctor. He will prescribe suitable medications such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and antibacterial creams or topical fungicides. If the infection is mild, it can be treated at home with some recommendations and home remedies.

Some of them are:

  • Have a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Keep your child well hydrated, especially with water.
  • Maintain hygiene in the home.
  • Dry the child’s mouth frequently with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Apply medicinal creams.
  • Avoid any food or product that causes allergies.
  • Do not give hot or very acidic foods.
  • Prevent the child from kissing siblings or other people as it is a contagious condition.
  • As much as possible, avoid touching or scratching the affected area. 

Mouth mouths in children: causes and treatment

5 Herbal Treatments to Cure Mouth Mouths

Applying some home remedy to your child can be very effective. Keep in mind that this condition lasts between 6-7 days. If it persists, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

  • Aloe Vera : Aloe vera has moisturizing, antibacterial and healing properties. So it’s very efficient. For this, gently pass part of the pulp of the plant about 3 times a day directly in the mouthpieces.
  • Parietaria : cures angular cheilitis in a natural way; it is possible to put a poultice of the plant every night.
  • Rosehip Oil: it is a magnificent moisturizer and healing. Apply a few drops 3 times a day. It is recommended to use it when the mouthpieces have just appeared.
  • Honey : must be natural to be effective; it helps fight infection and is a great healing agent. Before bed, apply a few drops of honey.
  • Calendula flowers: contains emollients, is antiseptic and healing. It is necessary to wash the affected area several times a day or apply creams based on this plant.

If your child has mouths, there’s no need to worry. With proper hygiene and correct treatment, it is possible to cure this discomfort quickly.

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