Children’s Basic Emotions

If it is complex for adults to understand emotions and their origins, for children it can be even more complex. Therefore, it is important to know what are the main emotions of children and learn how to relate to them in each moment.
Children's Basic Emotions

Can you recognize your child’s different emotional states? Children’s basic emotions can usually be recognized at first glance, as they are very transparent people and show what they think and feel. In this article, we’ll provide important information for you to learn how to differentiate each of them.

Emotions are divided into primary or basic and secondary. The difference between the two types is that children’s basic emotions are responses to external stimuli and are present from birth. Secondaries, however, appear as a result of growth, interaction with society and combination with primaries.

What are children’s basic emotions?

There are several classifications regarding children’s basic emotions. Next, we will delve into the six types described by Paul Elkman, an American psychologist considered a reference on this topic.

1. Joy

It’s an unmistakable emotion and, for children, impossible to hide. The joy is reflected in the little ones through laughter, enthusiasm and displays of affection. They are also excited and energetic when they feel it. In general, joy in children is caused by good news. Some examples are: receiving a gift, hearing good news or even receiving a visit from a friend or someone you care about.

At the same time, this emotion represents the goal of every parent in relation to their children. There isn’t a person in this world who doesn’t want their child to be happy, as seeing him like this is a source of incomparable vitality and pride. Obviously, it is a state, not a permanent condition.

children's basic emotions

2. Sadness

It’s just the opposite side of joy. Sadness, in the opposite sense of the first emotion described, occurs as a consequence of an unwanted event or even something that cannot happen as desired.

Some children tend to feel sad easily. This is because, as with some adults, they are more sensitive than others. However, we must take care that this state is overcome properly and, above all, that it is left aside most of the time.

If not, it’s not often, it’s time to take some specific steps. Childhood depression exists and can be caused by biological or external processes. It is the responsibility of parents to prevent or at least adequately treat cases of depression in children in order to avoid its drastic consequences.

3. Fear

Fear is a basic human defense mechanism. Thus, our ancestors managed to survive threats thanks to fear, which kept them alert and urged them to take appropriate precautions.

In children, fear can appear for many reasons; it can even be caused by everyday issues, such as being in the presence of dogs, insects or taking a bath.

In addition to helping the little ones to overcome this condition in a progressive way, parents must know how to differentiate fear from phobias. Phobias are characterized by provoking irrational behaviors, usually excessive in relation to the factor that causes them.

4. Anger

Anger, also called irritation, arises in response to a situation that provokes rejection. It is usually triggered by situations that the child considers “unfair” or, simply, when they don’t get something they wanted. In both cases, it could be something material or situations such as “I want to watch TV for just another ten minutes”.

It is a very common emotion between two and four years of age. It is exactly at this stage that the child is beginning to interact with others and also to express his will to make decisions.

As with previous emotions, there are some physical signs that characterize it: sweating and tense muscles. Headaches can also anticipate a moment of anger . It is important that parents remain calm, know how to control the situation and, above all, set an example to demonstrate that it is not right to act in a moment of anger.

children's basic emotions

5. Repulsion

This emotion is also a primitive defense mechanism, as, in the past, it served to keep humans away from things that were unpleasant or uncomfortable. Repulsion is, precisely, a feeling of deep discomfort in front of a food, object or even an experience that activates and provokes the reaction of the senses.

The positive side of disgust, also called aversion, is that it can be easily avoided. In general, just move away from what causes it or try to think of something else.

6. Surprise

In little ones, this emotion generates an alert state caused by a possible threat. However, there are also positive or even neutral surprises, that is, they are neither good nor bad.

It is noteworthy that each emotion has a huge influence on the life, behavior and well-being of children. It is essential that parents know how to understand each of them and provide the appropriate answers. Finally, it is also essential to teach children how to deal with all these emotions. Of course, we are talking about interpreting, understanding and knowing how to deal with these emotions in a prudent and responsible way.

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