Children Imitate Their Parents

So that later you do not have to deal with situations that could have been avoided, it is up to you to determine the attitude and behavior that you will have towards your child from now on.
children imitate their parents

Children imitate their parents and family members. Although they don’t realize it, reproducing adult phrases, ways of acting and gestures is configured as one of the main goals of children.

In many situations, imitation goes as far as walking as we walk, using the same intonations when speaking, and fully reproducing our quirks. Because imitation is the way children learn best.

According to some experts in this field, children are like sponges that absorb as much information as possible from the world around them.

However,  they are not aware of what to reproduce and what needs to be forgotten and even avoided. They reproduce both the bad and the good manners.

Dad, if you have the bad habit of yawning and not putting your hand over your mouth or the good habit of putting socks inside your shoes instead of leaving them lying under your bed, don’t be surprised if your child starts doing it. the same thing. Both one and the other behavior.

As children can’t tell the difference between the positive and the negative, for them, if daddy or mommy do this… I must do it too.

Why do children imitate us?

Children absorb what they see and hear around them to transform it into knowledge that will be used in their own actions.

As members of the same species, they need to understand the behavior of adults in order to behave like us.

But the downside of this reality is that children do not consciously choose the model or models to follow. Due to the lack of knowledge of the world, they do not always choose the best standards.

children imitate parents

That’s why it’s important that parents  are concerned about providing the most appropriate environment. The objective is to contribute to the development of children.

However, this is often beyond our reach. Because they won’t always be in the parent’s care.

As social beings, children will start to attend daycare, playgrounds, school, sports activities… Finally, little by little they will relate to other people, getting to know other environments, and in all these situations they will come across new ones patterns they can assimilate.

So all that remains is for us to believe that our children will choose the best and will discard what is not part of the values ​​we have already taught them.

However, it is up to the parents to supervise and guide them as they were doing up to that point.

Children imitate their parents: their education matters too

Children want to look like adults. Even if you want to, this is a fact and can never be avoided. So, we will give you the best advice: educate yourself.

Mom and Dad aren’t just the adults who feed, clean, and care for a child. They are the best and first educators she will ever have.

Just as at school teachers are intellectually and academically prepared to teach  the youngest, at home,  parents must be prepared to educate their children from the cradle, at least with the fundamental teachings. 

children imitate parents

So, Mom:

  • Know the most basic rules of good manners well;
  • Behave always considering the best values;
  • Let positive feelings be your main source of inspiration for action.

In short, try to become a better person. We know perfection is impossible, but your child is worth any sacrifice, don’t you think? Remember that he will assume as “correct” what he learns at home.

If you are a person with a difficult temperament, if you behave violently and act aggressively with others… then you can also be your little one, who still has so much to learn in his life.

Take care to introduce your child to ideas such as happiness, love, peace, spiritual balance, and good deeds.

If your parents didn’t take this into account when they raised you, we hope and hope you are smarter than they are. Offer your child the life and education that maybe you never had, but thanks to you he can have.

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