Breast Milk: Tips To Improve Your Production

Breast milk is highly beneficial for our baby. However, during breastfeeding it is normal for many mothers to complain or think that their breasts do not produce all the milk their baby needs.

Women who are breastfeeding tend to resort to home remedies to try to produce more breast milk , which actually does not help much. That’s because solving the problem is much simpler.

If from the first day you try to increase the production of breast milk to be able to feed your baby, just follow these tips:

After the first few hours postpartum have passed, your baby will go into a deep sleep, resting for an approximate interval of 6 to 12 hours, where it will be difficult to be able to feed you. However, with patience and skill you will get him to suckle.

The super secret to increasing the amount of breast milk

You must breastfeed your baby day and night. This is the best recipe for your breasts to produce enough milk. So, during the first few hours, your child should breastfeed 8 to 10 times every 24 hours, which is enough for you to make sure you’ve been breastfeeding day and night.

baby taking from the mother's breast

And now the tips!

  • Make sure your baby is sucking milk effectively.   Incorrect sucking is associated not only with inadequate milk production, but also with other problems such as cracking or retention of milk. First of all, to be able to make the baby suck the milk well, the breast has to be positioned and well placed. The guideline for this is: your neck should not be turned and your mouth should be at the height of your nipple.
  • Place your baby on a nursing pad to achieve the proper height to position your nipple, and a good fit between your baby’s mouth and your nipple. You should grab the nipple of your breast and the areola part of your breast, while your baby’s upper lip has to be out. You should not hear any noise when the baby is being suckled from your breast.
  • Finish breastfeeding with one breast and then breastfeed it with the other. That’s the only way you can make sure you’ve emptied your breasts well. This is important to ensure the proper production of breast milk, and also for your baby to get the most nutritious part of it. In the beginning, your breasts produce less concentrated milk to quench his thirst, and in the end the part richer in fats and vitamins to nourish him.
  • Feed him when asked. Forget about the clock and focus on watching your baby. Each child has its own rhythm, and some feel hungry every 2 hours and others will breastfeed without breaks. Also, take into account that there are babies who empty their breasts in 5 to 10 minutes and others who need much longer to do so.
  • The artificial milk, glucose serum, etc… Yes or no? If breastfeeding is done right from the start, your breast will produce enough milk to sustainably feed your baby. Aids are only needed when your baby indicates them. Sometimes resorting to them, the effect ends up being contrary to what is desired, and the breast interprets that it needs to produce less milk each time.
  • Avoid giving the baby a pacifier. You should avoid this especially for the first 10 days of your baby’s birth, and until breastfeeding starts to happen naturally. That way you’ll keep your child from getting confused. Breast and pacifier sucking are different. So it’s likely that if you give him a pacifier early, when it’s time to suckle the milk from your breast, you’ll try to do it the same way you do with a pacifier. Consequently, breastfeeding will not take place efficiently.
  • Breast milk is very beneficial. Among other things, sucking breast milk calms them down, so your baby doesn’t always ask for your breast because he’s hungry. It may take a few minutes of skin-to-skin contact to feel safe, or simply to calm down.
    mãe amamentando seu bebê
    • Rest and follow a proper diet. Try to always follow a balanced diet, usually consuming the equivalent of 2500 kilocalories, depending on the case, and take all the time possible to sleep, so that you are able to recharge your energy. As is often the case with all children in the first few weeks, you will spend most of the night in a waking state. Therefore, you should try to sleep for short periods of time throughout the day that coincide with your baby’s naps.
    • Ask for a massage. Getting a massage is always going to be relaxing, and it can also be a good way to get your milk flowing easily. Ask your spouse to massage your back, making a circular motion around your spine from top to bottom and repeating from bottom to top. You can get this massage sitting.

      Your family, your pediatrician, and your friends are the basis on which you should rely on any doubts or difficulties, in relation to breast milk and its production. Find out at your hospital if there are breastfeeding support groups for you to join, if you like. Let them help you, and you will see how everything ends up flowing more easily.

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