Being An Aunt As Well As A Mother Is A Wonderful Thing

Are you aunt and mother at the same time? Here’s why you have a privileged role!
Being an aunt as well as a mother is something wonderful

Being an aunt, in addition to being a mother, is a privilege. Both roles allow us to expand our affective capacity and explore different ways of showing our affection. It’s giving mother hugs and allowing our children to have second siblings, accomplices for life.

It is possible that in your case you were an aunt rather than a mother, or perhaps the other way around. Anyway, all of a sudden you feel redefined and become aware of something important: you are part of a big family. This gives you more security and more opportunities to grow as a person, while learning a lot.

Somehow, we realize how these role shifts place us in new roles that we have to assume responsibly. We will be a great support to our brothers. And they, for us. Certainly, it is clear that this bond will depend mainly on the quality of the relationship we have with our siblings. But in most cultures it remains a root of emotion and support.

Let’s delve into this subject and see some benefits of being an aunt!

Being aunt and mother: new roles, new challenges

Until recently, we had enjoyed relationships with our own uncles and aunts. But now, almost without realizing it, we find that we have grown up and acquired adult responsibilities. Something like this, far from making us fearful, makes us feel alive and full of emotions.

Here are some aspects to consider about what it means to be an aunt.

be aunt

You are a trusted advisor to your siblings

The brothers go through a complex time in which blackmail, fights over clothes, jealousy and petty rivalries are part of a past and a childhood. A time that, far from leaving sequels, allowed us to get to know each other much better.

  • This intimacy that we have with our brothers and sisters makes them find the best consultants in us. The fact that you are also a mother gives them even more confidence.
  • You will discover each step and each challenge of creation together. You will be that friendly voice when at midnight your nephew gets a fever or your daughter feels colic and you don’t know what to do. The brothers are a pillar in our daily lives. All of this, without a doubt, gives us more security when it comes to giving the best to our children.

Being an aunt improves your quality of life

According to a study published in the journal “Open Education” and carried out by the specialist in family relations at the University of Pennsylvania, Robert Milano, being an aunt not only allows us to have a better quality of life, but also allows us to fight stress better. Furthermore, it helps us to live many more years.

  • Being an aunt is especially beneficial to us. The relationship with our brothers is a daily help external to the partner. This sometimes helps a lot when we go through times of stress or anxiety.
  • We appreciate it when we see our own children playing with their cousins. Few things are as satisfying as bringing the family together to soothe the worries of a week of hard work or a difficult time in life. These interactions drive away fears, uncertainties and concerns.
  • Being an aunt, in addition to being a mother, makes us have more responsibilities. However, we gladly accept them because it also benefits us. Because we nurture the foundations of a good present that, in turn, will give us a future with good family relationships.

be aunt

We serve as a role model for our children

This is an aspect that we cannot forget. For children, example has more power than words. Therefore, if children observe the good relationship we have with our siblings from an early age, they will be able to understand that:

  • Siblings can argue and get angry at some point. But differences are always resolved.
  • A brother is the best support in everyday life. We may have good friends, but a brother holds a very intimate part of our history. A story the two shared while living in the same house. That bond is never lost. Because it would be like losing a part of our own being.
  • Our children will see that adults have fun too, that growing up is exciting when we have the support of our siblings in every moment.
  • A brother is an emotional accomplice for whom words are not needed. Sometimes, just by seeing our faces or hearing the tone of our voices, you know what’s happening to us. This is something that must be learned to build early on, as we encourage empathy, respect and reciprocity.

Do not hesitate to establish a good bond between your children and your nephews. These early childhood experiences will accompany you forever in your experimental chest to lay the foundations for a fuller and happier development. Being a mother is a wonderful thing. And being an aunt is a privilege we have to enjoy every day.

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