At Home We Kiss And Hug, Say Thank You, And Good Morning

At home we give kisses and hugs, say thank you, and good morning

The house, or home, is the first social context that our child will encounter. In addition to the physical decoration, there is emotional and educational furniture that will guarantee the child’s psychological integrity. This is where kissing, hugging, or learning to say thank you will make him a happier, more respectful, and wonderful person.

Something that both sociologists and psychologists know very well is that the dynamics that take place within a home directly determine a person. What happens inside these walls is sometimes a reduced version of society itself. It is in these places that a democratic or dictatorial education can be established.

In turn, something that as mothers and fathers should know very well from the beginning is the type of approach that we are going to favor in the education of our children. Every word, every act and every gesture will be stored not only in the brain of this little being, but also in this subtle and invisible fabric that constitutes a home.

Specialists in the psychological climate of an environment know that the interactions created between members of a social group, such as that of a family, almost unknowingly build an entire atmosphere, from which a quick emotional reading can be made. Sometimes it is enough to see the face or hear the tone of voice in which family members communicate to know if happiness reigns there or if unhappiness floods the floor and walls of this house.

We must be aware of this fact: a home is a refuge and a psychological and emotional reference for any child. So let’s build the prettiest, most welcoming, joyful and meaningful house for this new life.


My house is small, but the hearts that live there are very big

There are houses that are bigger on the inside than on the outside. There are houses where you just walk through the door to feel the balance, the affection stamped on the faces, the respect hanging in the air and the happiness of a child who grows up thinking he is in a castle.

These are without a doubt the happiest homes, where these characteristics usually appear that are worth reflecting on for a moment.

A home where positive emotions prevail

Homes where positive emotions prevail are homes whose tenants are people with Emotional Intelligence.

  • For positive emotions to be present, we must have learned to manage negative emotions: when there is an annoyance, for example, no one hides it or pretends they are not feeling it, but talk about it out loud, with respect and assertiveness to reach agreements.
  • In turn, this kind of house where happiness and harmony dwell  is made up of people who understand empathy;  who are able to put themselves in the other’s shoes to understand their perspective and know how to offer solutions.
  • On the other hand, a happy home is one that educates through positive emotional caresses, such as hugs, love, kisses and the kindness of every child who feels valued and protected.


A house that educates with values

Educating with noble values ​​is a tool with which more civilized people are offered to the world, more concerned with other people, with nature and with the construction of a more harmonious world.

  • As parents are the first referents in this social structure, it has always been very positive to teach children acts as simple as learning to thank, apologize, say good morning, and use this terminology that goes far beyond simple courtesy.
  • We cannot forget that behind these social demonstrations of respect, children will learn from an early age what effects they have on their surroundings. When thanking or apologizing, she will realize almost immediately that they are words of power, gestures of approximation with which respect, friendships and recognition are gained.

    Values ​​are social constructions in which a noble way of understanding the world and life is integrated, that’s why we present to children dimensions such as love for nature, animals, the value of equality , justice, recognition of the weakest, from helping other people, from reading, from knowledge or freedom, we will be offering the world very special people.

    To conclude, never forget that a house is much more than a few walls with windows where we take refuge and live. It coexists in a house and is, in the end, a second mother’s womb, in which a child will learn the most important things in life.

    Images: courtesy of IWONA LIFSCHES

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