Advice For Conscious Parenting

In conversations during pregnancy, it is very common to congratulate the mother and highlight the wonderful experience of bringing a child into the world. And there’s no doubt about it, it’s an indescribable feeling. But… what about parents and conscious parenting?

It is true that in our society there are many stories in which parents have not done their best, are not very affectionate, are absent or do not take into account the needs of their children. However, on the other hand, we have parents who actively live their childhood and care for their children, covering all aspects: mental, physical and emotional.

Thus, such parents become active agents throughout the process, experiencing wonderful self-discovery and, from a position of integrity, sharing the best of themselves with their children.

Exercising Conscious Parenting

Papa helping his daughter to do the deberes

We still live in a time when the father who keeps his baby company, changes the diapers and actively participates in the child’s development, is one who “helps” the mother. This is a thought that we must eradicate from our collective vocabulary. When the father does all these jobs, that is when he is truly exercising his  fatherhood .

And it must be a pleasure to make them… Being a father, like being a mother, represents a great responsibility. And we cannot limit ourselves exclusively to the material aspect.

We must emphasize the importance a father has in his children’s lives. Those obsolete thoughts that some parents bring in their frame of mind, such as “the mother is the only one that is relevant in the child’s childhood”, need to disappear.

Exercising a conscious parenting with the mother, as a team, is the key to raising healthy children, and most importantly, so that in the future they feel loved, free and self-sufficient.

Advice for responsible parents

daddy with baby

You can change paradigms and create great human beings . If you are a parent reading this article, take this advice into account, enjoy and learn during this lifelong step.

Presence and quality of time with your children :

By thinking of yourself as a creative agent, you will be helping your child to grow and evolve. Since it is in the womb, actively participate during its development. As it grows, be aware of what it needs, listen and support.  This will develop trust and love between you.

Childhood participation:

Enjoy any time with your child, and help by participating in tasks such as changing the diaper, a bedtime massage, taking him to the crib and calming his crying. The complicity this generates is wonderful.

Emotional approach:

The relationship you develop with your child is important to your future. Having an affectionate and unconditional contact with him opens the door for you to demonstrate what you feel, in an environment of trust and security.

Expressing your emotions is a vital learning experience during your childhood. For this reason, you should assess your emotions, control yourself, and express yourself in the best possible way to your children.

Good communication:

Developing an assertive way to communicate with your children will be very beneficial in your relationship with them. Listen to them carefully and express yourself as best you can with them, allow them to always have their point of view.

Let them know when you share what they say, and politely correct what you think is wrong. Being a stern and disrespectful parent never leads to a good path. On the contrary, express yourself firmly but with respect.

Always respect:

Respect plays a key role during our children’s childhood. Address all members of your family respectfully, do not mistreat your children, either verbally or physically, be open with them and explain to them the importance of this value throughout your life. They will not learn from our daily speech, your example is the best way to raise them.

Unconditional love:

That they feel your love without any kind of limit, it will benefit both you and those around you.  A good family environment is where everyone feels safe and loved, this will strengthen their self-esteem and love for themselves, make them whole and healthy beings, able to control their emotions, and know how to express themselves in front of the world.

Parents are very important in children’s childhood. Being conscientious and responsible parents will contribute to your children’s mental, physical and emotional health. Furthermore, this is a journey of discoveries with their emotional side, which benefits men in many aspects, both in their self-esteem and in the couple’s relationships.

Being a good parent is being aware of yourself and teaching your children all the good that is inside of you.

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