Key Characteristics Of An Autistic Child

An autistic child is a person with more or less normal cognitive abilities and abilities, but who suffers from a disorder that prevents them from relating effectively to society.
Main characteristics of an autistic child

Little is known about the cause of autism. But it is known that people are born with this disorder, even though the characteristics of the disease may vary from child to child.

We must keep in mind that each child is unique, different and develops at their own pace. However, there are patterns of conduct that catch our attention and alert us to your behavior.

Usually, this different behavior starts to manifest itself from birth, but it is difficult to determine in the first few months. Generally, these are repetitive and inconsistent actions.

Importantly, there are stages where children are more active or more susceptible as they grow up. It can be considered that sometimes these behaviors are characteristic of age, but they can be closely linked to a set of anomalies.

In other words, it doesn’t seem so normal and they are not quickly overcome. This may be an indication that the child is feeling and noticing the surroundings through Autism Spectrum Disorder or autism.

autistic child

Main characteristics of an autistic child

Although the disease can manifest itself in different ways, there are general traits that are noticed in most autistic children. They are more focused on their behavior than on their capabilities, among the most common are:

  • Limited or almost null language.
  • Repetition of phrases that you listen to.
  • Does not react to certain sounds or if they call her by her name. It’s almost like you don’t hear.
  • He is more interested in objects than toys. It is common for you to feel obsessed with certain objects, keeping them always in your hands.
  • Avoid maintaining eye contact.
  • To order something, he accompanies the person to the place where what he wants is.
  • It stays fixed at a certain point.
  • It often balances itself.
  • She is distracted and doesn’t care about her surroundings.
  • She doesn’t like to be touched.
  • Feels angry or laughs for no reason.
  • It presents a certain obsession with the order of things, organizing objects into rows. It’s also a little intolerant of routine changes.
  • It bothers with certain sounds.
  • Is it hyperactive or very passive.

autistic child

How to deal with the characteristics of the autistic child?

A large number of children suffering from this disease are not correctly diagnosed. This makes it difficult for parents to deal with the manifestation of their specific characteristics. Likewise, they don’t know how to cope with this experience at home.

To start with, we need to think about the help we want to provide to children. Below we will offer a series of considerations that can be useful to improve coexistence.

  • We must learn to communicate with her, as it is difficult to live with a child who does not respond normally to words.
  • Begin to identify the things you like  to shape your routine according to the actions that make you feel secure.
  • Take her for walks in places suitable for her. That is, that they are quiet, not noisy or have things that might disturb you.
  • Help her communicate by improving the language she uses.
  • Have patience and self-control to manage episodes of passivity or hyperactivity.
  • Knowing that is a condition that prevents you from being obedient and sociable.
  • Trying to gradually integrate the child into social relationships. Not to force, but also not to deny certain activities. That is, to promote the relationship with other children, as long as your child feels calm and willing.
  • Ensure adequate treatment, which is evaluated by specialists, and comply with all indications.
  • Take advantage of all the moments of participation, games and harmony with the child, as they will not always be disposed in the same way.
  • Give lots of love and be understanding. These are the most important elements to contribute to improving the quality of life of an autistic child.

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