The Best Gift For Your Kids Is Your Time

The best gift for your kids is the time you spend with them. See why in this article!
The best gift for your kids is their time.

If you have time to spend with your children, you can give them the attention and love they sorely need to grow emotionally, be happy, and build confidence, security, and self-acceptance.

the best gift for both

Mom,  when you want to reward your kids, choose to give away as much time as you have available.

If children have fulfilled their schoolwork and obligations at home, reward them with encouraging phrases and praise. If they reached a proposed goal, got good grades or won a sports competition, this is a good time to reward them with material values.

However, whatever the occasion, you should know that the best gift for your children will always be your time. We guarantee that little ones will love a reward in the form of a weekend excursion, a visit to the amusement parks, or just hanging out together on the couch for a moment while watching television and eating popcorn.

Children, whether big or small, fill their souls and their faces light up when their fathers and mothers put aside their responsibilities to be alone with them.

However, when we mothers take a break from our daily routine and spend time with our children, we are also giving ourselves a gift. There is not always the opportunity to raise and watch children grow up. The work and duties of life don’t leave much time for that.

So, having the joy of taking the time and watching, talking and playing with the children is wonderful for everyone.

your time

Time with children… more than a gift

Mom, including the gifts you can give and any other kind of treat, we emphasize the idea that the best gift your children can receive is your time.

But listen carefully so you don’t get confused with the idea we want to convey . It’s important that you don’t consider time with children as a gift that should only be given as often as other gifts are given,  such as bicycles, a trip to Disney, or a new tablet.

This is a daily necessity and you should set aside a few hours to be with the children and give them the affection they deserve. Don’t turn moments of leisure and attention into a luxury that you can only sometimes experience.

We know that you are a winner, that you work day to day to progress, surpass yourself and be your best example. We are more than aware of the effort to seek the education that today’s world demands, and that your dream is to see your children become successful men and women.

However, they are too small to understand its claims. Your fertile yet innocent brains


 they don’t understand why you can’t come home early from work, order a pizza, take off your shoes, and eat with them, sitting outside. your time

The best gift for your kids is their time.

If you’re going to reward your kids with time together, remember too that it should be quality time that benefits them the most.

If you’re going to play, it’s a good time to show them the games and entertainment you enjoyed as a child. Also include body language exercises that help children overcome their shyness. Sing, dance, disguise, recite…

Make a recipe together and let them invent their own dishes. Go out to visit museums and buy books in bookstores…

If your children are big, talk to them about the importance of making an effort, the danger of drugs, how essential it is to take care of the environment, etc.

Encourage them to avoid lies, selfishness, conformity to everything. Teach them to speak and behave correctly, to be polite and kind at all times. Transmit values ​​such as respect for others, honesty, gratitude and courage. Surely your kids will love these gifts!

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