9 Tips For When Your Child Swears

Swear words are usually not well regarded, even if spoken by an adult. However, they seem to sound even worse when they come out of small children’s mouths.
9 tips for when your child swears

Although most parents agree that it is not appropriate for their children to swear, this custom is increasingly common among children and teenagers. But do not worry! There are ways to fight them. See how in this article.

One of the reasons why children increasingly swear is because they are part of an audience that is increasingly exposed to hundreds of videos posted on social networks, whose content is regulated by – practically – no one.

The amount and speed at which information now travels makes it increasingly difficult to play a parenting role with respect to the language and role models children are exposed to when living in the digital world.

And while certainly no parent in the world can control 24 hours a day what your child sees and does on the Internet, there are some strategies you can put into practice when your child swears. Many of them will help you to clean the little ones’ vocabulary without violence.

Advice when your child swears


try to find out where they come from

Before scolding your child, ask calmly and with interest why he said that word or where he heard it. Sometimes children and teenagers try to get attention by swearing. And that’s an attitude you can calmly correct. Try to stay calm. Because if you respond by making a fuss or angry, you can get the opposite effect. Thus, the tendency will be for the child to maintain this type of behavior.

Try to regulate the time your child is exposed to toxic environments

If your child swears because he’s heard them on television, in movies, or at games, then consider reducing the amount of time he spends on these types of activities. So, try to replace them with less contaminating activities.

set an example at home

This is one of the most important premises of respectful education. You should pay special attention to the swear words you or your family say in your child’s presence, as it will be difficult to explain that you cannot swear if you or other family members do. It is necessary to work the teachings by example.

talk about swear words


If your child has already gotten into the habit of swearing, then choose a time when you are relaxed and talk to your child, explaining that these words can be very offensive to people who hear them.

If he swears because he feels frustrated or angry, show him that you understand how he feels and talk about other ways he can manage his emotions and frustrations. For example, one strategy to follow might be the use of emotional intelligence.

Strengthen communication at home

The most important thing, when faced with any situation or problem you need to resolve at home, is to teach your children to listen, while you listen to them and give real attention to what they say.

Children who are used to open dialogue are raised in families who tend to talk about any kind of subject without shouting or insults. So they learn to communicate more effectively. A child raised in this environment will hardly do something that is censored in the family nucleus and that no one does.

Put rules and explain the consequences of swearing

The first time your child swears, explain clearly that it is not okay to use those words. At the same time, explain what the consequences of expressing yourself in this way will be in the future.

In the case of young children, one of the consequences may be the loss of a privilege, such as, for example, a reduction in time spent watching television or using the computer. Telling children about this should be reason enough to make them think.

Be firm with the child if he doesn’t follow the rules


If the child keeps repeating the swear words, despite having already been warned that they would be punished, be sure to apply the correctives you said you would apply. Don’t speak just to frighten or frighten, as the child will know you will not apply its consequences. So she will take advantage of it

Don’t overreact or get angry

Keeping calm and calm will be critical when sitting down with your child to talk vocabulary. Try to remember that even though they made a serious mistake, they are children and sometimes they just want to play or attract attention. Keep in mind that if your reaction is forceful, the child will repeat the behavior in order to always be able to provoke that reaction in you.

Explain that swear words are unacceptable

The ideal is to get your children to understand what these inappropriate words are and why they should avoid using them. Ideally, you should do this the moment they speak. If this is not possible, try not to postpone the conversation for too long. This way, you will avoid subterfuges on the part of the child.

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